where do u get black manta in lego batman 2 on the wii?
where do u get black manta in lego batman 2 on the wii?
2crankylandlord wrote: You need to buy the villain DLC pack
Not on the Wii. There is no way.
Yes, but the DLC isn't available for it.
The Ultimate Spinjitzu Master: You can't. You can only get him on the DLC witch is for X-box and Ps3. It sucks, I have a Wii, and I have Lego Batman 2 for it, but I'm saving for an X-box 360 slim 4gb so I can get Lego Marvel Super Heroes. And I will get Lego Batman 2 for it so I can get the DLC and not have any invisible walls that block you out from going where ever you want to go in the city without waiting for it to load. X-box all the way!
Kpengie wrote: It's DLC
But not on the Wii.
Irnakk wrote: LEGO just doesn't like Wii. :P
No, Nintendo doesn't like DLC. It's Nintendo's fault, not Lego's
ToaMatau2004 wrote:
Kpengie wrote: It's DLC
But not on the Wii.
Nintendo doesn't like DLC for some reason.