I buy lots of "army builder" LSW sets and lately we had a ton of extra pieces left over from #75000 Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas, #9488 Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack (ARC/ARF troopers) and #9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper Battle Pack. We only built two each of the little command post thing, the small cannon and the generic speeder that come with the mini figs. We have around 30 of each set, so lots of parts. I decided to put them to use. The cannon, Super Droidekas and Shadow Speeder (Painted parts black)
Clone Shadow Trooper Speeder
are almost all made from the spare parts. I posted the cannon a while ago in another thread, but I added a lot to it yesterday. Think they turned out cool and my son and I had lots of fun making them. The Super Droideka was his idea.
here are a few. The grouped shadow ARF troopers were made by lego. One of their bagged promos. Some are homemade, like the one on the speeder. I do the speeder and vehicle pilots in silver, with a silver mark on the helmet crest, like the one on the speeder I first posted. I'm not at home, so I had to paste some stuff together for you.
The speeder Clone has chest and leg detail, just in shadow. I have a group of Shadow Clones as part of my army group. I'll post some pics later. Check out my profile page too. Working on adding stuff to it
Basic shadow clone template
Haven't done the camo yet, on my list. It is a long list. LOL My son helps out a lot. Check out the clown walker he made.