Woah. Where have you been for the previous comments, you seem to have missed a lot!
ive been on my wiki a lot. http://ninjago-serpentines.wikia.com/wiki/Special:WikiActivity
Ultra chi ninja of imagination mk 2 wrote: seems like it
Well in the trailer you see something going into the staff
Lavertus wrote: ive been on my wiki a lot. http://ninjago-serpentines.wikia.com/wiki/Special:WikiActivity
Ok. I was actually referring to 'Squidmanescape'.
I was doing things, and so I forgot to comment on things until I was in this place. Thank you, Ninja of Fire, for noticing that I had not commented for a somewhat long stretch of time.
Everyone has their things to do!
This is an extremely true statement. I am sorry for inadvertently taking the conversation to another topic by replying very late after I had done nothing. However, I think everyone has already mentioned all the things that can be mentioned from the grammatically incorrect explanations of the pictures. Are there any other topics that can be pursued about this? I am sorry for once again taking a long time to come back and post something.