I personally want to see Mickey Mouse & Friends. I know the sets weren't all too brilliant, but I love Donald Duck too much.
I personally want to see Mickey Mouse & Friends. I know the sets weren't all too brilliant, but I love Donald Duck too much.
people can dream i for one really want some mortal kombat and jaws in this but i dont think it will happen.
So, I have an update. Since I've finished the game (without any packs btw) I want to say that I would love to see Defender as a playable character. Also Minecraft and Harry Potter would make great additions (it's too early to think outside the box, so I decided to choose franchises that are still running and/or licensed by Lego or WB) I am also missing some villains and generic characters. Such characters as:
Olimar McCain wrote: So, I have an update. Since I've finished the game (without any packs btw) I want to say that I would love to see Defender as a playable character. Also Minecraft and Harry Potter would make great additions (it's too early to think outside the box, so I decided to choose franchises that are still running and/or licensed by Lego or WB) I am also missing some villains and generic characters. Such characters as:
What about a Midway Arcade pack with the Thief and a Super Sprint Car?
This is one big*** thread
Randomeverythingish wrote: people can dream i for one really want some mortal kombat and jaws in this but i dont think it will happen.
Ever. Well, it might happen when GTAV is implemented...
VesperalLight wrote:
Olimar McCain wrote: So, I have an update. Since I've finished the game (without any packs btw) I want to say that I would love to see Defender as a playable character. Also Minecraft and Harry Potter would make great additions (it's too early to think outside the box, so I decided to choose franchises that are still running and/or licensed by Lego or WB) I am also missing some villains and generic characters. Such characters as:
What about a Midway Arcade pack with the Thief and a Super Sprint Car?
You know, the Super Sprint Car is just a result of the dimensions crisis, I think it might be something of his own game. For example a potion. I also would think that both Super Sprint Cars would make good playable characters, like riding a vehicle - as a vehicle, because there is no way a another character from Super Sprint can be playable.
Teh Turminaetur wrote: Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter characters should be added in my opinion. I think Robert Muldoon, Indy, Captain Rex, and Harry would really contribute to the story of Dimensions. The Indominus Rex, German army, Sith, and Death Eaters would do well as villains.
I like this idea. But I don't think that there will be, like a second story.
They're fake, as you can see a ninjago symbol on the first order storm trooper's base