I personally want to see Mickey Mouse & Friends. I know the sets weren't all too brilliant, but I love Donald Duck too much.
I personally want to see Mickey Mouse & Friends. I know the sets weren't all too brilliant, but I love Donald Duck too much.
Olimar McCain wrote: So, I have an update. Since I've finished the game (without any packs btw) I want to say that I would love to see Defender as a playable character. Also Minecraft and Harry Potter would make great additions (it's too early to think outside the box, so I decided to choose franchises that are still running and/or licensed by Lego or WB) I am also missing some villains and generic characters. Such characters as:
Personally, I'd like to see all the mission givers as playable characters. Odd, I know, but hey some of them (Saruman, master Chen, boromir, Jack harkness) make sense. Though, Instead of glados, I would probably have Caroline.
Rebel422 wrote: I think they should've added gandalf's cart and the motorcycle that wyldstyle used at the beginning of the movie to the starter pack.
I know, off topic.
SpongebobAtnight wrote: Uh...you know she's an alien, right? So...
So what? I'm dating the ice equivalent of a succubus and I'm happy. Anything with a consciousness (and an atleast mostly-human body, by which I mean I draw the line at anthros) is engagable in a relationship, for me atleast. Plus, I'm pretty sure kryptonians are just humans that have highly evolved through exposure to a certain type of radiation exclusive to there planet.
Jesse220 wrote: Nexo Knights, Mermaids the body found, The Future is wild, Avatar, Top Cat, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Blacktron, The Land Before Time, Beavis and Butt-Head, Dogtanian, Spirited Away, Swtor Knights of the Fallen Empire, Fat Albert, Jabber Jaw, Auggie dog and Doggy Daddy,
I would like those from my list.
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: I want Michael Jackson as a minifig.
Yay, Lego thriller videos!
Definitely Star Wars. A Luke Skywalker level pack, Han and Chewie team pack, and Leia and Vader fun packs.
Vat19, planet Dolan, and h.p. Lovecraft