Hey everyone, i was wonder what characters you are wishing for to be in Lego Marvel's Avengers
Hey everyone, i was wonder what characters you are wishing for to be in Lego Marvel's Avengers
Lego1234 wrote: yondu & rocket raccoon & agent sitwell & star-lord & groot & gamora & drax
Sitwell is already confirmed, but I'm still expecting for the movie versions of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot along with their comic versions to be appearing in the game since The Collector, Korvac, and Ronan the Accuser is in the game.
Maybe will expecting to see Nebula and Yondu (which is the only GotG character that never exists in LEGO yet before) too.
korvac, ronan, nova, nebula, mantis, the other. I don't see spots for any of the movie guardians
Guardians of the Galaxy will not be appearing in LEGO Marvel's Avengers (most likely not even as a DLC)
korvac, ronan, nova, nebula, mantis, the other is appearing in LEGO Marvel's Avengers
maybe they could do a xbox one/ playstation 4 second season pass with more characters, I'm about done with the game,
There is going to be a season pass with about 40+ characters But no Spider-Man, Deadpool, Guardians, X-Men Fantastic Four, etc.
Only Avengers related stuff or at least loosely Avenger related stuff.
we know that sadly but I would like more, what they could do is release all characters that was in the first, I don't believe any ability was lost except venoms goo vents so it could work