Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: Gandalf looks like Santa. Ganalf: Oi!
Stay on topic me and Lego benny the space man Lego made this site for questions not weird comments
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: Gandalf looks like Santa. Ganalf: Oi!
You keep saying off-topic comments on many different threads. Please stop this.
Lego benny the spaceman lego wrote:
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: Gandalf looks like Santa. Ganalf: Oi!
You keep saying off-topic comments on many different threads. Please stop this.
See Lego benny gets me
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: You know nothing. I am autistic and your having a go at me who has a tragic past.
austistic? We are not having a go at you we are saying,stuff that comes of you in odd places is wrong What's the tragic past,is it a sad story or violent
Elbarto2005 wrote:
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: You know nothing. I am autistic and your having a go at me who has a tragic past.
austistic? We are not having a go at you we are saying,stuff that comes of you in odd places is wrong What's the tragic past,is it a sad story or violent
Sorry about that I was in bad mood iPad a mars bar after then I was okay again
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: My past: My mom and my dog Fudge lived in a house in Bromford. My dad betrayed me and my mom and set my house on fire. Me and mom managed to escape, but Fudge wasn't so fortunate. So there you go!
That doesn't give you the right to spam.