Here you can discuss about the upcoming Star Wars video game!
Here you can discuss about the upcoming Star Wars video game!
Well, I came up with what I think the levels will be yesterday, so I might as well repeat them here. SPOILERS. This is assuming TFA only has 6 levels.
Level 1: Prologue Part 1: Play as Poe and BB8, until Poe is captured. Part 2: BB8 finds rey and they leave the Star Destroyer ruin
Level 2: Escape from Jakku Part 1: Get Finn and Poe to the TIE Fighter Part 2: Use the new dogfight mechanic until something happens. Part 3: Get Finn and Rey to the falcon
Level 3: The Falcon Part 1: Fly the Falcon through the Graveyard of Giants. Part 2: Defeat the Rathtars
Level 4: The Battle of Takodana Part 1: Rey and BB8 Go through the Forest, and Rey gets captured. Part 2: Finn, Han, and Chewie fight Stormtroopers and stuff. Part 3: X-Wing Dogfighting above the castle.
Level 5: Attack on Starkiller Base Part 1: Poe, Han, and Chewie find Rey Part 2: X-Wing Dogfighting Part 3: Poe, Rey, Han, and Chewie encounter Kylo Ren and there is a short boss fight. RIP Han.
Level 6: Destruction of Starkiller Base Part 1: X-Wing Dogfighting and Blowing stuff up. Part 2: Big Kylo Ren Boss fight with Rey and Finn. Part 3 (?): Rey and BB8 find Luke.
And that's what I think they will do. The formatting on Wikia sucks, so sadly I don't know how to make this look better.
Snowviraptor wrote: Well, I came up with what I think the levels will be yesterday, so I might as well repeat them here. SPOILERS. This is assuming TFA only has 6 levels.
Level 1: Prologue Part 1: Play as Poe and BB8, until Poe is captured. Part 2: BB8 finds rey and they leave the Star Destroyer ruin
Level 2: Escape from Jakku Part 1: Get Finn and Poe to the TIE Fighter Part 2: Use the new dogfight mechanic until something happens. Part 3: Get Finn and Rey to the falcon
Level 3: The Falcon Part 1: Fly the Falcon through the Graveyard of Giants. Part 2: Defeat the Rathtars
Level 4: The Battle of Takodana Part 1: Rey and BB8 Go through the Forest, and Rey gets captured. Part 2: Finn, Han, and Chewie fight Stormtroopers and stuff. Part 3: X-Wing Dogfighting above the castle.
Level 5: Attack on Starkiller Base Part 1: Poe, Han, and Chewie find Rey Part 2: X-Wing Dogfighting Part 3: Poe, Rey, Han, and Chewie encounter Kylo Ren and there is a short boss fight. RIP Han.
Level 6: Destruction of Starkiller Base Part 1: X-Wing Dogfighting and Blowing stuff up. Part 2: Big Kylo Ren Boss fight with Rey and Finn. Part 3 (?): Rey and BB8 find Luke.
And that's what I think they will do. The formatting on Wikia sucks, so sadly I don't know how to make this look better.
I was thinking about the same thing. But realize that's only 6/15 many levels could we possibly be getting from the in between 6 and 7 plot? There must be more...
I believe there were six levels per movie in the previous Star Wars games. I kinda wish they'd do the entire original trilogy, but oh well
Gman284 wrote: I believe there were six levels per movie in the previous Star Wars games. I kinda wish they'd do the entire original trilogy, but oh well
I think they plan to do something like they did with Lego Star Wars 3 and open the game with a level of the ending of the pervious movie. Lego Star Wars 3 opened with the ending to Episode 2, Lego Star Wars TFA opening at the end of Return of the Jedi. That's just my guess because one of the released screenshots for the game is of Han, Leia, and Chewie on Endor. I do hope that they include bonus levels based on the other movies, and maybe even on Clone Wars and Rebels.
It would be great if they did one level per movie from the original saga, adding up to 6 levels. That would be so much fun. It would be similar to what they did for LEGO Marvel's Avengers.