Here are images and descriptions of 2017 lego sets:
Nexo Knights: This video will showcase new figures:
Lego NEXO Knights 2017 New Characters - The Book of Monsters
The Upcoming (ANNOUNCED) sets are: 70347: Bike from the King's Soldiers 70348: Lance's Cruiser 70349: Ruina's Vehicle 70351: Clay's Blaster Jet 70352: Jestro's Monstrous Monster Vehicle As you can see, next year they will be fighting plant and seaweed monsters. Marvel: Captain America Jet: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Captain America (Sam Wilson), Unknown Villain. Speculation: This set is following the all new marvel/avengers so I would speculate a Serpent Society Member. Lola Set: Agent Coulson, Iron Man, and Detroit Steel. Star Wars: Duel of the Fates: Quinlan Vos, Darth Maul, and Obi One Kenobi Desert Skiff: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Weequay, and Boba Fett Landspeeder: Luke, Obi One, C 3P0, and Tusken Raider Yodas Jedi Starfighter: Yoda, R2 D2, maybe Force Priestess, and Ghost Quinlan Vos Phantom: Thrawn, Blind Kanan, and Chopper Rouge One Battle Packs: Rebel and Imperial Ulimate Collector Snowspeeder Dimensions:

Characters are: Hermione Raven Beast Boy Starfire Michael Knight Rowan (Ghostbusters: Answer the Call) Other: Beetlejuice Lego Batman Powerpuff Girls Goonies Lego City Undercover Pirates of the Caribbean: Dying Gull: Jack Sparrow, Captain Salazar (Ghost look with half of head missing), Carina Smith, Will Turner (Davy Jones/Knarly), Henry Turner, Ghost Pirates. Large $250 Ghost Ship Dc Superhero Girls: Characters Include: Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Killer Frost, Cheetah, Starfire, and Wonder Woman Largest set is Highschool.