Given that neither the main Ninjago line or Legacy show any signs of stopping, I think we can expect more waves of both. Predicting future Ninjago waves is hard, aside from the expectation that there will be more snakes😋. For Legacy, however, we have more to go on, and I have a few ideas for what we (hopefully) might yet see. So far, we’ve seen five good-sized sets based on Rise of the Snakes, though one was tweaked to feature Skulkin rather than Serpentine. As such, I figure five is probably the most sets we’ll see based on a particular past wave of sets/season of the show-but I could be wrong.
Final Battle
Garmadon’s Mech-I’ve always loved this thing, and would love to see it as a set. Could be a good way to get corrupted Ninja figures while they’re at it, and maybe even the Mega-Weapon with a bit of artistic license.
Borg Tower-one of the more iconic settings in the series, and one that fans have been asking for persistently.
Tournament of Elements
Clouse’s Snake-Legacy has been light on the bad guy builds, but they’ve shown interest in models that have previously only appeared in the show. I figure Clouse’s snake fits the bill; wouldn’t mind if we could get Legacy Techno/Tournament versions of Zane and Nya in the bargain.
Jay Walker One
Blaster Bike
Preeminent-another villain build that I think has a lot of potential; would be a cool follow up to the Overlord Dragon. Seems a likely set for Legacy 2020 or 10th Anniversary Nya to appear in.
Morro Dragon-of all the Possession villain builds from days gone by, this seems the most likely to get a new version given the popularity of the original version. If they’re not giving us Mech-enstein, the Chain Cycle hardly seems likely...unless maybe they downsize it and stick it in a double-pack with the Blaster Bike
Fire Dragon-Kai’s Fire Dragon was a bit scrawny, so maybe Legacy could give us a beefed up version.
Earth Dragon-see above.
Water Dragon-scrawny though they were, at least Kai and Cole got builds of their Elemental Dragons. Nya is long overdue for a dragon of her own.
Misfortune’s Keep?-probably the villain build with the most potential for Legacy, whether they redesign the original airship or give us the boat version. Can’t recall any villain vehicles or creatures from Skybound that aren’t already sets.
Cliff Gordon’s Estate-anyone else ready for a minifigure of Jay’s biological father?
Day of the Departed
Ninjago Museum of History-given that we only got one Pilot set (two counting that Juniors Fire Dragon), I doubt we’d get more than one for this special. A vehicle would be all right, but I like the idea of more structure builds, and the museum has a lot of appeal.
Hands of Time
Iron Doom-could be fun if they took advantage of the time travel aspect and included some past Elemental Masters.
Fusion Dragon-same.
Desert Lightning
Destiny’s Shadow
Sons of Garmadon
Samurai X Mech/Protocol: Kaiju-an updated P.I.X.A.L. Mech would be nice, and if it happens to resemble the big bruiser from Season 11 you won’t hear me complaining.
Zane’s Bike
Oni Mask Heist w/Masked S.O.G.-I don’t think anyone would object to those sweet thief figures from the Season 8 premiere, do you?
Ice Dragon-Zane got left out in the Hunted sets but was provided with a dragon on screen; I figure a set version would be pretty cool.
Slab-Cole’s dragon, but larger and by itself, or maybe against a Hunter vehicle.
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu
Titan Mech
Katana 4x4
Aspheera’s Pyramid-another cool structure build that I think would be fun.
Boreal/Never-Realm Bird-a new version of the Ice Emperor’s dragon or a build of the giant bird that Lloyd, Akita, and Zane got into it with would be sweet. Plenty of Never-Realm characters you could add in here too.
Prime Empire
Red Dragon-wouldn’t say no to a Cyber-Dragon rerelease in its original (according to the show) color scheme. I could take or leave updates of any other Prime Empire sets.
Master of the Mountain
Shintaro-a structure build with a lot of appeal and potential for new figures.
Stone Mech-I’d like to see the set redone to reflect the show’s idea of the mech being exclusively Cole’s. Wouldn’t mind some Upply figs to go with it either. A lava monster build or separate set could be a welcome addition too.
Grief-Bringer w/Lilly-don’t know that there’s been any real depictions of the dragon in flesh and blood, but a flashback set showing that sounds awesome.