I feel we should get these The Mandalorian Lego Sets
The Battle of Tython
Morak Refinery
Slave 1 (with old Boba, Fennec, Din, Migs, Grogu, and Cara)
Moff Gideons Light Cruiser
Nevarro Science Lab
The Battle of Navarro
What do you think?
Yeah, lets list the Mandalorian figs we want
Old Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
Cobb Vanth
Moff Gideon
Phase III Dark Trooper
So on so forth
Here are mine, in order:
Old Boba Fett (repainted chrome armor)
Miggs Mayfield
Dark Trooper
I also would be extremely happy if they made a buildable Krayt Dragon
Yeah, that would be awsome
The new TIE Fighters
^We are getting those!
I want the razorcrest that’s blown to bits
Just destroy the Razor Crest, problem solved
Or get 1,023 grey pieces. lol
I really hope we get more!