I feel we should get these The Mandalorian Lego Sets
The Battle of Tython
Morak Refinery
Slave 1 (with old Boba, Fennec, Din, Migs, Grogu, and Cara)
Moff Gideons Light Cruiser
Nevarro Science Lab
The Battle of Navarro
What do you think?
Here are mine, in order:
Cobb Vanth
Old Boba Fett (repainted chrome armor)
Miggs Mayfield
Dark Trooper
Moff Gideon
I also would be extremely happy if they made a buildable Krayt Dragon
Yeah, that would be awsome
The new TIE Fighters
^We are getting those!
I want the razorcrest that’s blown to bits
Just destroy the Razor Crest, problem solved
Or get 1,023 grey pieces. lol
I really hope we get more!
No we don't