Not sure look online
Those are tlm2 right?
Nope, those are original spacemen! TLM2 didn't have red ones
The red ones hands aren’t it’s correct hands btw. I lost its original hands
Oh yea
@Kyber417 I thought they‘re newer ones since the chin part of the helmet seems to be thicker than on the original ones.
Oh, by "newer" I thought you meant this helmet
Looking at it again, I agree they do have thicker chinguards than the originals, but the thicker ones are still from Classic Space! (scroll down on the yellow helmet page)
Yeah those are the original mold. The "rerelease" version doesn't have the thick chin guard.
Interesting, I thought the helmets with thicker chinguards were way newer… All of my classic spacemen have the thin chinguards.
What do you think?