Here are two custom Han Solo faces I made. The left one is a custom face Carbonite face. I wanted to go with a look similar to The Skywalker Saga, but give him more movie accurate eyebrows, and a more accurate mouth/expression. The right is a custom dual sided face I made representing him when he was unfrozen.
Here is the other side.
Here is what the previously unseen custom back printing I made looks like for Episode IV Han, Ceremony Han, Shirt Han, & Episode VI Han.
But regarding the warning, there is a chance that I may not be uploading custom designs as often. This is mainly due to the fact that there hasn't really been anything new added in weeks. Of course, by that, I mean like new parts and all. I have been waiting for new parts for a while, and nothing has been added for weeks. Not only that, one thing I really dislike about MecaBricks is the color palette being limited to a handful set of colors. You can't even make custom colors in MecaBricks, like a color wheel or anything. Thats also part of the reason I have not made Episode II or III Anakin. However, the main thing is that there is a drop-box page on MecaBricks. Basically that was a page where you could drop images of LEGO figures for reference. The reference would be used to create a new official/custom piece. I was mostly posting reference images of Skywalker Saga variations, such as Crait Luke, Training Flashback Luke, Ben Solo, etc. Then earlier this evening, I come to find out by the creator of MecaBricks that the drop-box page is a legacy page, and is no longer used. So, some of my hopes for variations are blown.