Gman284·11/16/2013in GeneralWhat set was he in?In the gallery, one of the figures is labeled "2012 Combat gear redesign", but it's not mentioned which set he appears in. Does anyone know? (Edited by Gman284)2012Imperial Officer
ENeuman600·12/10/2012in Generalstar wars set from 75000 to 75013I want to make sure where did they hear that will release from set 75000 to 75013 in December. if you have any links or source that will availablity in Dec? (Edited by administrators)Star Wars2013201275000 Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas
This post is locked.LazerzSoH·11/28/2012in GeneralPhineas and Ferb set?Thought it's coming in 2013, but there is no content. Should it be deleted? (Edited by administrators)LEGO Games (theme)20132012