Maybe Arthur will show/tell something about this during Mcm comic con. At 1pm GMT there will be a live recorded demo from him such you can see on the channel of resero, or go to
Arthur deconfirmed him during new York comic con during some press interviews. He said that with the current roster, spider-man wasn't a necessary character. As for spider-gwen, she has nothing to do with the avengers. I still think it is weird, but I am sure they will have their reasons. As for the outfits: the pictures were from a deleted demo, such shows that it definitely wasn't the finished product. The characters were just their recycled versions from Lego Marvel superheroes. As for iron spider, that will almost certainly be the Amadeus cho version, I think.
I still think it would be weird if Spiderman or miles Morales is not in the game, but only time will tell.
From the Spider-man franchise, the only ones who can still be in this game are white tiger, nova, sandman, agent venom and beetle. Spider-Man himself has already been deconfirmed by arthur parsons, just like Spider-Gwen. From the X-men franchise, the only possible ones are rogue, nightcrawler, shadowcat, magneto, deadpool and X-23. Rogue is one of the recent avengers, Shadowcat and nightcrawler weren't in the last game, so it is possible. magneto is Quicksilver and scarlet witch's father and deadpool and X-23 were both avengers(Deadpool recently)
Abigail brand would also be nice, just like victoria hand and peter gyrich.
FortressMaximus93 wrote: Having Hyperion and some other Squadron Supreme members would be interesting and a good tie-in for the Avengers Assemble cartoon, as well as a good set up for some jokes toward their DC inspirations. I noticed recently that Iron Spider has been added to the line up of characters on the Lego Marvel's Avengers page and I'd like to ask if that has been 100% confirmed. I'm a big Spider-Man fan and if they added Iron Spider they'd have to include him.
The Iron Spider was confirmed in this article, just like the day and night cycle:,manual,manual
It is confirmed that Spider-Gwen will not be part of the game.
Zombiehunter115 wrote:
Cl142 wrote:
Zombiehunter115 wrote: I made a theory forum about this, but no one saw it. I said in the theory that the roster would start small-ish but when DLC comes around, they'll have all the other MCU films as levels and characters along with a season pass so you can get it all as it comes out. They'd have Iron Man 1, 2, and 3, The Incredible Hulk, Thor 1 and 2, Captain America 1 and 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant-Man.
No they don't have the rights.
I'd be careful to exclude entire franchises because of the rights. We already know that TT Games can do wonders, so i wouldn't be surprised if some characters from the X-men or Fantastic 4 ( the characters from comics only or the ones associated with the Avengers) will appear in Lego Marvel Avengers.
I guess the Grim Reaper and his brother Simon Williams(Wonderman) will be in it, especially because the Vision's brainwaves are those of Wonderman(in the comics). I would also like to see Dr. Druid & Nebula and Sersi & Black Knight, two of the couples from the comics who weren't all that fortunate.
Well, it is sad it is delayed, but it also means that TTgames wants to make this game the best lego game there is. They just don't want to rush things and give us an incomplete and buggy game.
Ttterocksandscoobydootoo wrote: Thanks for telling me about She-Thor. I wish The Watcher was in LEGO Avengers.
The watcher would be cool indeed
they were announced through articles, twitter, the SDCC panel, the E3 videos and interviews and instagram
the grey/black one can be the mark 15, sneaky
the white/black one is the mark 16, nightclub
i guess it is almost safe to say that wintersoldier, thanos, falcon and hawkeye(classic suit) will be returning as in game characters, and not DLC. For winter soldier i would really like to see him as bucky barnes, so it is bucky and wintersoldier in one slot, cause they are one and the same.