Something else that would be interesting is when Rey finds the lightsaber, her vision includes a level around Luke and Vader's fight on Cloud City. It would be similar to what they did for Lego Avengers.
I think they plan to do something like they did with Lego Star Wars 3 and open the game with a level of the ending of the pervious movie. Lego Star Wars 3 opened with the ending to Episode 2, Lego Star Wars TFA opening at the end of Return of the Jedi. That's just my guess because one of the released screenshots for the game is of Han, Leia, and Chewie on Endor. I do hope that they include bonus levels based on the other movies, and maybe even on Clone Wars and Rebels.
Probably only Agents of SHIELD. They are already including the main characters of the various Netflix series to acknowledge them, but Arthur Parson said that the shows' stories are too dark and gritty for them to really make a part of the game.
I don't think they've specifically said Spider-Man won't be in the game. He may not play much of a role, but Spidey is too well connected to the Avengers for them to not include him. Plus I think TT Games knows we want to have him in the game so they're building up hype by not announcing him. Or I could just be in denial, who knows.
Jessanna Stansu wrote: Jumping into this kind of late, but I'd love to see Coulson's current team from S.H.I.E.L.D.; y'know Quake, Mockingbird, FitzSimmons, May, Mack and Hunter. But not Ward. Ward is a traitor. NO LEGOS FOR TRAITORS!
I'd like it if they added some more Inhumans in, too-- since it's looking like they won't add classic mutants/X-Men or any of the Fantastic Four, they could use their abilities instead. Crystal could have ice-beam powers instead of Iceman, Medusa could use her hair like Mr. Fantastic, and you get the picture.
Funny thing though, I can't really think of too many more characters to add. Most of the non-Avengers movie characters I hoped to see are already in there. Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Lady Thor, the Young Avengers... If they added Coulson's team and snuck Spider-Gwen and Spider-Woman in without telling us, all my favorite superheroes are already there. :)
Good idea for the Inhumans, and in that line of thinking they could update Black Bolt so his scream shatters glass bricks and maybe gold bricks too as it is extremely powerful in the comics. However I'm not sure they'll have any Inhumans in the game as they aren't that connected to the Avengers. Unfortunately, Spider-Gwen has been confirmed to not be appearing but given that two Spider-Women have a history with the Avengers at least one should be in it. I have a theory that they are holding back on announcing Spider-Man and Spider-Woman because when they are it will be revealed there will be a Spider-Verse DLC.
Ultimate95 wrote: Why is Spider-Man not in the game WHY?!?!
It hasn't really been confirmed he's not. They might be holding off on announcing him because either he's part of some sort of side missions they want to keep secret for now or they'll announce him along with a group of new characters (most likely based on Spider-verse). There is some evidence to suggest he will be in the game: Daredevil can swing through the hub worlds (something they obviously borrowed from our favorite wall-crawler) and Iron Spider has been confirmed and if they didn't include Spidey after that the fans would riot. We also have to remember that Spider-Man is Marvel's mascot, while I can understand why the people at Marvel wouldn't want them to use the X-Men or FF for this game Spidey is just too important to the company to not have represented.
Zoomike wrote:
FortressMaximus93 wrote: Having Hyperion and some other Squadron Supreme members would be interesting and a good tie-in for the Avengers Assemble cartoon, as well as a good set up for some jokes toward their DC inspirations. I noticed recently that Iron Spider has been added to the line up of characters on the Lego Marvel's Avengers page and I'd like to ask if that has been 100% confirmed. I'm a big Spider-Man fan and if they added Iron Spider they'd have to include him.
The Iron Spider was confirmed in this article, just like the day and night cycle:,manual,manual
Ah thank you. We got a lot of news about this game that keeps making it sound amazing. Also really glad Spider-Man has pretty much been confirmed.
Having Hyperion and some other Squadron Supreme members would be interesting and a good tie-in for the Avengers Assemble cartoon, as well as a good set up for some jokes toward their DC inspirations. I noticed recently that Iron Spider has been added to the line up of characters on the Lego Marvel's Avengers page and I'd like to ask if that has been 100% confirmed. I'm a big Spider-Man fan and if they added Iron Spider they'd have to include him.
There's only one reason I can think of that they haven't announced Spider-Man yet: he's going to be tied to a larger announcement of characters, likely relating to Spider-verse. So likely there'd be Spider-Man(Peter Parker), Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man Noir, Spider Woman(possibly in her updated suit), Scarlet Spider, Iron Spider, and Ben Reilly Spider-Man. Most of these would probably end up just being alternate costumes for Spidey but I could see them putting Miles, Iron Spider, and Spider-Man 2099 in their own character slots. Miles can camoflauge and they might do something with his zapping power. Iron Spider would play mostly like Iron Man but with webs and spider-sense. Then Spider-Man 2099 would get tech abilities because he's from the future. I can only hope they won't include SpOck again. As for Spidey villains, the developers would keep it to his bigger enemies: Green Goblin, Doc Ock, and Venom. They may add Kingpin but that'd have more to do with Daredevil than Spidey.
I think it would be cool to have Knowhere as a mini hub where you could do GotG mini-levels.
They'll likely include some sort of extra level for the MCU GotG. I hope that a level based on the Netflix Defenders series will be in there. While they will likely include Spider-Man as a playable character, no Marvel game is complete without him, I'm not sure what sort of level they could give him. X-Men and Fantastic Four is tricky, the guys at Travelers Tales would probably have to base them more off of their comic versions.
I don't think that is Black Flash. Looking at the picture of Metallo it looks more like a silver statue of Flash the you need explosives to destroy. Plus, with Black Hand having been unveiled there would be no room for Black Flash in the character menu shown on the Lego Batman 3 page.
SpiVenger wrote:
FortressMaximus93 wrote: It would make more sense for them to include Raven and Starfire as a service to the fans.
Phrasing? ;D
But anyway, doesn't Beast Boy already look like the animated version?
You know what I meant. Though given the way Starfire normally dresses in the comics . . . that might not be too far off.
And yeah Lego BB looks like the cartoon version.
I doubt they would have a DLC based on the the Teen Titans show. They already have Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, not to mention Deathstroke. It would make more sense for them to include Raven and Starfire as a service to the fans. Besides, most DLC characters are just used characters with a different model. Sure occasionally there are exceptions but those are rare.
With the large focus on the Lantern Corps I'd love to see a White Lantern Kyle Rayner who can perform all of the special abilities of the other Corps. Besides, after Hal came back everyone seemed to go back to him and forget Kyle. Not that I'm insulting anyone, I think Hal is awesome but Kyle is my favorite Lantern.
After him I'd probably want Black Spider, if only so I can use a Spider-Man like character in DC.