Dude, you're thinking way to much. Aliens aren't even a legit thing. It's not like there being racist because they're portaying aliens in a way that you don't see fit. But I do agree that, in general, LEGO needs to stop doing the whole "good guys" "bad guys" thing. It's really getting old.
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
Wally Valdez wrote: Catwoman and Talia are evil, so he could never really marry them. And Wonder Woman is only his girlfriend in the TV show, which isn't canon. But the Lego Movie version is a jerk, so I personally don't care about his happiness.
And in the 'Dark Knight Rises' movie, or whatever the new one is called, at the end, he's married to Catwoman,or Selina Kyle, whatever her name is.
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! He does not MARRY Selina!!!! Get the facts right bro
Hey. the only reason I heard of Marvel comics was because there's a LEGO super heroes theme - Gimme a break, bro
Dude... Batman. Is. A. DC Superhero... NOT MARVEL
Same difference! Besides, I was talking about TDKR.
Not the same difference, and TDKR is still DC
You really don't give up, do you?
No. I persevere
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
Wally Valdez wrote: Catwoman and Talia are evil, so he could never really marry them. And Wonder Woman is only his girlfriend in the TV show, which isn't canon. But the Lego Movie version is a jerk, so I personally don't care about his happiness.
And in the 'Dark Knight Rises' movie, or whatever the new one is called, at the end, he's married to Catwoman,or Selina Kyle, whatever her name is.
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! He does not MARRY Selina!!!! Get the facts right bro
Hey. the only reason I heard of Marvel comics was because there's a LEGO super heroes theme - Gimme a break, bro
Dude... Batman. Is. A. DC Superhero... NOT MARVEL
Same difference! Besides, I was talking about TDKR.
Not the same difference, and TDKR is still DC
Stone Warrior wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
Wally Valdez wrote: Catwoman and Talia are evil, so he could never really marry them. And Wonder Woman is only his girlfriend in the TV show, which isn't canon. But the Lego Movie version is a jerk, so I personally don't care about his happiness.
And in the 'Dark Knight Rises' movie, or whatever the new one is called, at the end, he's married to Catwoman,or Selina Kyle, whatever her name is.
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! He does not MARRY Selina!!!! Get the facts right bro
Hey. the only reason I heard of Marvel comics was because there's a LEGO super heroes theme - Gimme a break, bro
Dude... Batman. Is. A. DC Superhero... NOT MARVEL
Stone Warrior wrote:
Wally Valdez wrote: Catwoman and Talia are evil, so he could never really marry them. And Wonder Woman is only his girlfriend in the TV show, which isn't canon. But the Lego Movie version is a jerk, so I personally don't care about his happiness.
And in the 'Dark Knight Rises' movie, or whatever the new one is called, at the end, he's married to Catwoman,or Selina Kyle, whatever her name is.
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! He does not MARRY Selina!!!! Get the facts right bro
Dude, just drop it. Okay? Just chill
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote: And you are being rude.
That's life, bro
Predacon Blazer wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote: We don't want to be patient. We can talk about it if we want to.
Well you sound like immature fanboys
Im not a immature Fanboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well you don't know how to use article properly... "AN"
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote: And we don't care about your opinion of us.
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote: We don't want to be patient. We can talk about it if we want to.
Well you sound like immature fanboys
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Anglerfish162 wrote:
Predacon Blazer wrote:
BrickfilmNut wrote:
DocDoom2 wrote:
No DUPLOS for The LEGO Movie 2!! i agree they were a joke, but then what happens after they land, nothing? Who's with me?!?
The DUPLOS at the end were just a joke, it's SOOOOO obvious..
I award you with the strongest Kudos I have given in a while. :P
I'm with you for no DUPLOs in the Lego movie 2 because the duplos where a joke.
Yes just a joke just a joke just a joke
Guys, just be patient. It's really not that big a deal :P
Lazlo21 wrote: How about an epic plot twist: emmet becomes the new head of ocean for thwarting president Buisness evil plans, and isn't all corrupt and has hired real humans instead of robots. People can build freely. President business has left town in search of a buisness trip. Everyone builds freely. Emmet is happy. Everyone in bricksburg is all happy, so are all the other realms. But something is wrong. Everyone is TOO free. There are barely any rules. He can't handle all the disorder, and his hair becomes grey around the ends, and his face is starting to get worry lines and marks. He can't take any more freedom. Emmet goes back in time, when everyone ws happier, and things were more organized. Unfortunately, his hair turns all square, as a result of the time travel. He is in the past. Everything seems simpler. But, this is whey, before president buisness rule. Everyone builds so freely. He puts walls between different worlds and develops a robot army. Emmet then get a victory shower and realizes something as he looks in the mirror. He IS president buisness. He has a fit, and decides to take down the walls and let everyone build. Or he would, if he hadn't slipped on the soap and got amnesia. Meanwhile back in the present, wild style is worried about emmet, for they were planning on getting married next week. She, Benny, batman, metal beard, and uni-kitty look for him. They find the time machine he used. They go back to the events of the first movie. They head to the past octan tower's infinity- itch floor and find themselves tied up. Because their past selves saw their future selves, the space time continuom is destroyed, and nothing exists. But just in time, wild style goes back in the time machine, and lands in the Stone Age, while everything is non-existing in the present. She and a cave-man named ugg fix the time machine and she goes to the future and subtly tries to stop herself from going back in time and destroying the space time continum. But, instead, the machine sends her to the time when emmet was an innocent chap, with no idea what would happen. She goes and tries to warn emmet of what the future can hold. She then approaches emmet, but remembers when emmet had saw her in the construction site. She does nothing, but trips and pushes emmet away from the hole where he found the piece. So emmet never found the piece. He never thwarted president buisness. So he never became the president of octan corporations. He never went back in time and became president buisness in the first place. Wild style never officially met emmet. She goes to present to find that she is married to batman. She also finds Benny and metal beard, not a mech, working dayjobs, and uni kitty being an evil tyrant. The entire universe has been changed. And finally, because of emmet never inventing the time machine in this universe, she can't change the world here. She runs to the construction site and finds emmet. In this universe, emmet is a highly paid, stuck up, rich guy. She tries to convince emmet that they know each other. Emmet then walks away laughing, dismissing the idea, and then fall down the hole where the piece of resistance lay. He touches it, and all of his memories flow back. He and wild style gather their friends and build the time machine. They find the past emmet. They usher him to the hole where the piece of resistance, but emmet must lay behind, because he can't let his past self see himself. Emmet sees the overpriced coffe shop. The ghost Vitruvius contacts him while he is drinking coffe he tells emmet that he can either go down the hole with the piece of resistance, and become president buisness, or go back to home, and become the CEO of the construction site, and be a jerk. Emmet then decides, that he is the downfall of the universe one way, and a jerk in the other timeline, so he makes another person touch the piece. That person then disintegrates, when he touches the piece. No matter which timeline he is in, emmet must be the one to touch the piece. Emmet has the real solution. He goes down the infinity drop in the octan tower. He goes to the real universe. He then manages to squirm his way over to all of the kragle, hides. No piece for him to find, so he will be innocent. Then the universe resets itself, and emmet, president buisness, whoever you may, never existed. The world lives in peace forever. Although wild style can't help but feel that there is a missing part in her life. Meanwhile, the people at the lego company scrap an idea of a minifigure of a construction worker named emmet.
I hate you O_O
Wally Valdez wrote:
AnthonyGuy wrote:
Wally Valdez wrote: Catwoman and Talia are evil, so he could never really marry them. And Wonder Woman is only his girlfriend in the TV show, which isn't canon. But the Lego Movie version is a jerk, so I personally don't care about his happiness.
Dude, Batman is pretty much evil himself. The only thing that separates him from his enemies is compassion.
Well, Batman has never been on the side of evil. Sometimes he uses unorthodox methods but he has a strong sense of justice.
tru dat
Lolwutburger wrote:
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote: No, the Duplo Aliens are not going to be the villains. They were just a quick joke at the end of the movie. They wouldn't have a reason to attack, and they would be flat characters. EVERY villain in EVERY movie EVER has something motivating them. Loki wanted revenge on Thor. Lord Business wanted to glue everything together. The Duplo Aliens? They want to "destroy them all", which is just weak. If they are going to be the villains (They aren't), The main conflict would have to come from somewhere else. In Independence Day the main conflict came from no one knowing what the aliens were after. That can't happen in the sequel, because the Duplo Aliens already stated their intentions.
Let's give it a reason. The DUPLOs want to destroy Bricksburg because they think they're small and inferior, and too complicated to play with (Remember, this is LEGO we are talking about. Little kids find it hard to play with small LEGOs because they might step on them and have a tantrum. Also, they might have a hard time disassembling and assembling sets, in which they'll need their older brother/sister to help, in which the little child will disassemble, thus wasting the older sibling's time in life, which he could use to hang out with his or her friends and actually have a social life.). In the real life universe, the little sister who's playing with the DUPLOs are actually destroying the boy's constructions. The kid simply tells the dad (in the LEGO universe, Lord Business is actually trying to help defeat the DUPLOs) that the little sister is messing up all of his LEGO sets. Said sister gets bought her own set by Will Ferret (In LEGOverse, they simply create a new world for DUPLOs) and everyone's in piece. End of story.
You clearly don't have younger siblings
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know how much you guys sound like impatient little fan-boys and girls. The first LEGO Movie JUST came out this month, and you're already talking about the second movie, who's script isn't even being worked on yet!!!!!!! Just calm down and enjoy the first movie before you start worrying about something like this!!!!!! I feel sorry for you guys. Honestly, you can't enjoy anything.
Jonah.pietila wrote: Their is a Lego Movie Sequel being planned and it is in the works but who is gonna be the main villain in the second installment of the Lego Movie.