Clubpenguinator wrote: i honestly do not like the idea, but the Simpsons' fans might. :) I love the standard minifigs. I wish they made a series 13 NORMAL pack. With a... 1.Bowling Ace 2.Ballerina 3.Tourist 4.Male Singer 5.Actress 6.Party Planner 7.Stuntwoman 8.Gymnast 9.Hair Stylist 10.Food Vendor 11.Police Woman 12.Guitarist 13.Teacher 14.Baby 15.Trashman 16.Teenager I'd love that!
Series 13 will be normal,series 12 too,because series 12 aren't movie series,The LEGO movie series are special.Simpsons will be too.They will continue making normal unlicensed minifigures series,because series 12 will be out soon,i found a photo.
yes,that's the only show in which new episodes are better than old for me. usually older episodes are better and new episodes suck
they will probably make first game with first movie,without second movie content at all,so they make second game based on second movie and then third game on 3rd movie.Or they can make second game with 2nd and 3rd movie connected
i don't see anything from desolation of smaug in triler.
Berrybrick wrote:
Brikkyy13 wrote:
Berrybrick wrote: ...having licenses based on properties like Star Wars and Marvel certainly helps and LEGO might be running if MB owned them, I largely disagree with what you said.
Really? Why? If you don't mind me asking?
Because it's more than just the licenses. They are a big help, I think that LEGO would have been bought by Hasbro or Disney or whoever if it wasn't for Star Wars, but LEGO just has a much larger presence than Mega Bloks. In business, presence is everything. If nobody knows or sees your product, then nobody will buy it. LEGO is a big part of pop culture at the moment, and has been for the last 10 years or so.
I agree
I disagree what he said too.
Simply-LEGO is better quality,has better licensed sets and all other brands have lower quality so nobody buys them.That is it.
Hobbit,Indiana Jones,Marvel,DC. But i think that they wouldn't make Halo anyway.
Mr.Brix wrote: Smurfs!
it's great.i made some custom smurf sets and theme would be great. but not that new movies in 3D,old cartoon series are better.
Brikkyy13 wrote: How were stringer and nex killed in breakout? Stringer was in the tv special. I don't know about nex. But nex is awesome, they wouldn't kill him off
maybe he wasn't awesome to them
Also City will be renewed with arctic subtheme,Ninjago will release two new sets and there will be new tribes in Chima,mamooth and some new birds,new LEGO movie set will be released-Metalbeard's sea cow (huge set with ship),leaked pictures can be found on just2goodeurobricks' channel.New star wars will be there with some new vehicles and Mos Eisley cantina,new Agents set list is already translated and Friends will get Jungle and savanah sets and shopping center or whatever.
I don't know is it true but there are offical set numbers and they all got from hungarian site.
I was just talking about how agents should be rebooted and there are awesome news-theme will be continued in 2014!
Brikkyy13 wrote:
Bustpaag wrote:
Brikkyy13 wrote: I agree with Bustpaag. Agents was awesome. Also, power miners should come back. All the best themes get cancelled after a year or so. The only three that stuck around were BIONICLE, Star Wars and City, but even BIONICLE (one of the greatest, if not the greatest theme ever) was discontinued.
I agree.When they released Agents it was awesome and I thought that theme will be there for next 3-4 years but they discontinued it.Same thing with Power miners and BIONICLE as you said.They quit good themes and start making something modern which is actually worse or they replace it with something worse so people just want the theme to come back.It was with BIONICLE and HERO FACTORY and people started to disagree when Ninjago was discontinued and replaced by Chima. So it will be better to get back old great themes instead of making something that is not interesting. Also City will never be discontinued.
City is probably the only theme that will never be discontinued. If it is, it will only have a name change (I.e. World city > city). And Star Wars, the one everybody expects to last for ever, will eventually loose it's steam. Once the clone wars series ends (which should only have lasted 3 seasons if it were true to the proper Star Wars continuity) and the new films have been and gone, there will be nothing left for LEGO to make. And if that doesn't happen, the price points will go so high nobody will buy them anymore. I've noticed a pretty heavy increase in the prices of LEGO for the amount of pieces you get.
And it will be discontinued in 2022 because license will expire. link:2022
Brikkyy13 wrote: I agree with Bustpaag. Agents was awesome. Also, power miners should come back. All the best themes get cancelled after a year or so. The only three that stuck around were BIONICLE, Star Wars and City, but even BIONICLE (one of the greatest, if not the greatest theme ever) was discontinued.
I agree.When they released Agents it was awesome and I thought that theme will be there for next 3-4 years but they discontinued it.Same thing with Power miners and BIONICLE as you said.They quit good themes and start making something modern which is actually worse or they replace it with something worse so people just want the theme to come back.It was with BIONICLE and HERO FACTORY and people started to disagree when Ninjago was discontinued and replaced by Chima. So it will be better to get back old great themes instead of making something that is not interesting. Also City will never be discontinued.