Schtickman wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
NinjaRoblox wrote:
Schtickman wrote:
NinjaRoblox wrote:
Schtickman wrote: None of ninjas are epic.
HOW DARE YOU!!! Jk, and why?!?!?!
They simply aren't epic. Villains are way more epic than them like General Cryptor.
Ok, you know what, anyone can say that one of the ninjas are epic it doesn't matter!
Zane is a highly epic ninja
Well he's dead.
But remeber he is now in the digiverse
Apocalypse455 wrote: the new enemey should be(For the Movie and Sets)Golden Master! He only appeared in one episode, and i think he should be the main antagionist, Pythor the secondary Main antaginost, and a new character, Scordio, a Bigfig Scorpion, with Nindroid Equipment.
The golden master is the overlord
Bio-mech Matthew Riley wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote: At this point, Ninjago has hit an all time low. I doubt anything that follows will be anything other than poorly planned and half baked.
What are you talking about?!?! These are some of the best ninjago sets I have ever seen. NINJA-GO!!!
Quote the mech dragon a master piece the battle for ninjago city is awesome and the story line is awesome
NinjaRoblox wrote:
Schtickman wrote:
NinjaRoblox wrote:
Schtickman wrote: None of ninjas are epic.
HOW DARE YOU!!! Jk, and why?!?!?!
They simply aren't epic. Villains are way more epic than them like General Cryptor.
Ok, you know what, anyone can say that one of the ninjas are epic it doesn't matter!
Zane is a highly epic ninja
SullyfrogMsrady wrote:
NinjaRoblox wrote:
Jessanna Stansu wrote: You're kidding, right? Bionicle was the greatest Technic theme of our generation! Hero Factory is great, but it doesn't have the strong storylines that Bionicle had. Bionicle just had this epic feel to it, and HF just isn't the same.
Yes, Bionicle was a good theme, until HF came in, but I still like Bionicle, but I just still prefer HF.
I feel you there, NinjaRoblox.
Hero factory had potential but flopped so badly with the video of invasion from bellow
Cyber-Shadow6 wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: ... So if YOU hate the prequels then YOU are not a true Star Wars fan. ...
Many fans of Star Wars could argue that The Phantom Menace was an annoying, kiddy, Looney Tunes-esque abomination of a film.
Thank you
Ninja of Fire wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: PSYCH!!! Nah, just messing with you. It was probably a misunderstanding. BTW, I have enough money to buy any Ninjago set but I can't decide between the Thunder Raider and the Destructoid, which one do you guys think I should buy?
Depends what techno blades do you have
Well surprisingly, I only have Kai's because I only have the Kai Fighter, the Nindroid MechDragon and the X-1 Ninja Charger. I've just noticed that the first Ninjago set that I buy from the first wave has Kai in it. 2011: Ninja Ambush 2012: Kai's Blade Cycle 2013: Kai's Fire Robot 2014: Kai Fighter. It's probably because he's my favourite character. Sucks how Lloyd never comes with a Techno Blade or any weapon, because he only uses his powers on the TV series, so when you're playing with your Lloyn minifigure and make a scene where he gets attacked, you just have to use your imagination or give him some random weapon. I reckon that Lego should make some specially molded translucent green piece for Lloyd to represent his powers, what do you guys think?
Ok so which do you care for more jay and cole or Zane and mindroid
Ninja of Fire wrote: Well, I'm pretty sure that they have mastered the Weapons and I don't think that they were holding back as Kai said,"Finally, I don't have to hold back!"
Or the serpentine have strong scales
Ninja of Fire wrote: Man, YOU need to rethink the Star Wars Saga! Because if you don't like the prequels there's something wrong with you! And even if it was 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away', the living conditions would be much better as they have airspeeders, starships, starfighters, frigates, cruisers, star destroyers, luxury yachts, landspeeders, etc. So if YOU hate the prequels then YOU are not a true Star Wars fan. And don't get started on Kai, seriously. He's an awesome character and from what I know, he didn't really mind living as a *cough blacksmith cough* and having not technology.
Kai did have trouble making swords remeber. Also one the reason the prequels sucked was they made little sence like why didn't corosant send an army to Naboo there was tones of evidence, Ben kanobi was trained by yoda not qui gon, why did c 3po or r2 not remeber that Luke was the son of darth vader but worst of all they had boring political scenes that is what news is for
Ninja of Fire wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: And by the way, snakes are probably the best 'talking animals'.
Still talking animals
Yeah, they might still be animals but they follow a theme and a legend. And they're also not the main characters of the show/theme unlike the animal tribes of Chima. And if you haven't realised yet, Chima is actually coppying some of Ninjago. Take the pieces for example, the first time I saw the Chima sets I knew that Lego was seriously running out of ideas and using their old ones to make a new theme. The animal characters are following a chain of evolution (from animals to walking and talking) and if you look carefully in Ninjago, you will see that there are 'real' snakes and the Serpentine, meaning that the Serpentine probabaly evolved from the slithering snakes. So I don't know why you're in a Ninjago based conversation actively if you are a major supporter of Chima as Lego planned to scrap Ninjago for that pathetic Legends of Chima.
I am no chima supporter ninjago is my favourate theme it's just chima and ninjago have become rivals like MARVAL and dc and even they had cross overs which were all awesome story lines so do not blame me for wanting to see if lego can try it out and see chima get beaten up another thing even dc fans who hate marvel love the crossovers
Well I agree with you now, but seriously, Ninjago is waaayyyyy better than Chima. The plot of the Chima TV series isn't as bad as I thought (yes, I watched a few episodes to see how bad it actually was) although the only flaw of Lego TV series is that sometimes they're not realistic. For example, the Golden Weapons, seriously, who the heck fights with GOLDEN weapons and when a ninja strikes a Serpentine down, the snake should be cut in half, not twitch (refer to the episode 'Snakebit'). So if it was all real, half the characters of the TV series would be dead.
I believe it has something to with the ninja holding back against the serpentine because of not wanting to hurt them or not knowing yet on how to fully use it's power
Ninja of Fire wrote: PSYCH!!! Nah, just messing with you. It was probably a misunderstanding. BTW, I have enough money to buy any Ninjago set but I can't decide between the Thunder Raider and the Destructoid, which one do you guys think I should buy?
Depends what techno blades do you have
Ninja of Fire wrote: I like the Star Wars movies so don't make fun of them! I see your point where Anakin is 9 and Padme is what, 11? But the Star Wars movies are set in the FUTURE meaning they have better means of EVERYTHING. And Anakin was born and raised as a SLAVE on a planet literally made/covered of sand so he has obviously toughened up in those kind of conditions whereas the Ninjago characters live modern and relatively easy lives.
No don't you remeber the words a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away also Kai is a blacksmith granted not a god one but a blacksmith none the less also every true Star Wars fan hates episodes one two and three the only good thing in episode one was a double lightsaber that's it. It is the most disappointing movie ever corasant was so boring, it was filled with rasiusm and worst of all it set black people back several years thanks allot jar jar
Ninja of Fire wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: And by the way, snakes are probably the best 'talking animals'.
Still talking animals
Yeah, they might still be animals but they follow a theme and a legend. And they're also not the main characters of the show/theme unlike the animal tribes of Chima. And if you haven't realised yet, Chima is actually coppying some of Ninjago. Take the pieces for example, the first time I saw the Chima sets I knew that Lego was seriously running out of ideas and using their old ones to make a new theme. The animal characters are following a chain of evolution (from animals to walking and talking) and if you look carefully in Ninjago, you will see that there are 'real' snakes and the Serpentine, meaning that the Serpentine probabaly evolved from the slithering snakes. So I don't know why you're in a Ninjago based conversation actively if you are a major supporter of Chima as Lego planned to scrap Ninjago for that pathetic Legends of Chima.
I am no chima supporter ninjago is my favourate theme it's just chima and ninjago have become rivals like MARVAL and dc and even they had cross overs which were all awesome story lines so do not blame me for wanting to see if lego can try it out and see chima get beaten up another thing even dc fans who hate marvel love the crossovers
Ninja of Fire wrote: This conversation is sort of pointless! Use your common sense and figure it out! Wu wouldn't go around and choosing a bunch of kids to help him save the world, and before they get the Scythe of Quakes, the ninja tell Kai how they were found. Cole was climbing a MOUNTAIN (BTW 13/14 year olds don't climb mountains!), Jay was flying (well crashing) a glider and he hit a billboard, again, 13/14 year olds don't have the physical attributes to survive that kind of impact and finally Zane. Hmmmmmm, is it just me, or do kids meditate in a pond? And for Lloyd, that is sort of a mystery... And yes, Jay did say that he went to college so this is probably American-based (the drivers' position, college, etc.) so he's at least 23. Averaging it off means all of the ninja (including Lloyd) are about 23+. As for Wu and Garmadon, they have to be 55-65+. BTW, Wu actually looks OLDER than Garmadon although Garmadon is older. So there you have it, problem solved!
Hay we just making theories also people have droughts for the voice actor for cole said he was 14 Zane could be anything Lloyd is anyone's guess also things the teenage's not being allowed on adventures cough spiderman cough ash Ketchum cough Harry potter cough kateniss everdean cough robin cough nightwing cough batgirl cough superboy cough even though we all try and forget that movie but you made me say it anakin skywalker and padme amidla from Star Wars episode 1
Ninja of Fire wrote:
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
Stone Warrior wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: Have you guys gotten any of the new sets from the Ninjago Winter Line? I've already got the X-1 Ninja Charger and I'm getting the Destructoid soon. (BTW, if you're in Australia, you can buy the Destructoid from Big W for $48).
I bought all of the sets, except the Thunder Raider - it sucks.
I have the mech dragon overborg hover hunter and ninja coppter
You know, sometimes you act like you hate Ninjago and sometimes you say that you like Ninjago, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!
When did I say I hate ninjago it's my favourite theme I am £32 from the battle for ninjago city
Stormjay Rider wrote:
Iron Male wrote: LEGO won't do clothing, they would have to be fabrics which aren't such a good idea around kids who love destruction. Contradicting myself though, Bionicle was to hard for young kids anyway.
Yeah. Capes are enough. Leave it to the MOCers to make good uses of fabric pieces.
Capes are good
Stormjay Rider wrote:
Schtickman wrote:
Ninja of Fire wrote: The video is just a picture of General Cryptor so I don't see your point.
He means that they will make a video about the song.
Ninja of Fire wrote: And by the way, snakes are probably the best 'talking animals'.
Still talking animals
Ninja of Fire wrote: Well, you do see them in like 3/4 episodes so that's pretty much half the season. So I don't see any reason for complaining, although I see your point that there are some Ninjago sets you don't actually see in the TV series like the OverBorg Attack set, you see Lloyd's bike in episode 30 and 34 but you don't see the tank-bike. And for the Hover Hunter, you only see it for like 2 seconds on episode 27/28. The sets are great but some of the features or parts are either pointless (like the missiles on the Thunder Raide) or fall off easily (parts of the MechDragon). But like I said before, if you're a Ninjago fan, then you will end up buying the sets either way (like me).
Googlydoe wrote: No. It didn't happen between different shots.
I get it I just saw it this happens loads of times in cgi nothing to serious