Brick360 wrote: Dudes, you should check out that new thread I just made. Its about the Riddler's appearance in this game.
In what game?
A set with a different Deadpool variant, like X-Force would be cool. Keeps the original Deadpool rare.
LEGOBennyBrick3 wrote: Isn't World of Warcraft pretty similar to LOTR though? IDK, I hardly know anything about WoW. But I am a fan of Planet of the Apes. I think that would definitely work in LEGO Dimensions.
World of Warcraft is quite different from LOTR. There are Humans, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Night Elves, Worgen (werewolves), Draenei (aliens), Orcs, Undead, Tauren (Minotaurs), Trolls, Blood Elves, Goblins and Pandaren (Anthropomorphic Pandas).
The world is also bigger than LOTR. There are 3 different worlds. Outlands, Azeroth and Draenor. In Azeroth there are 4 continents. Northrend, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Pandaria. In Outlands there is only 1 continent and in that continent are 7 places, Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains, Netherstorm & Shadowmoon Valley. In Draenor there are 7 places, Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley, Gorgrond, Talador ,Spires of Arak, Nagrand & Tanaan Jungle.
The WoW story is also way more extensive that the LOTR one.
The only real thing they have in common is some of the races.
WoW would be good, especially since there's a WoW film coming out this summer.
LEGOBennyBrick3 wrote:
CW1234 wrote: Terminator would be a good theme for Lego Dimensions 2.
If I'm not mistaken, that's rated R. LEGO avoids R-rated licenses. Terminator is highly unlikely, sorry.
And plus, it's owned by Mega Blocks at the moment.
Instead of making a new Toy Story Alien, they should've made a Woody to go with the Buzz.
Olimar McCain wrote:
VesperalLight wrote:
Olimar McCain wrote: I actually would like to see more franchises that were originated by Lego themselves, and not licensed franchises (That doesn't mean, that licensed franchises should be completely cutten off, it just means that I want a bit more originals)
The Creator characters could have Master-Building as an ability?
Yeah, I thought that too. Oh, I almost forgot: I also add Ultra Agents and Hero Factory to this list.
Bionicle could work too, they could make new molds for the head pieces and use the same type of body as the Hero Factory figs.
Olimar McCain wrote: I actually would like to see more franchises that were originated by Lego themselves, and not licensed franchises (That doesn't mean, that licensed franchises should be completely cutten off, it just means that I want a bit more originals)
The Creator characters could have Master-Building as an ability?
FN-2199 will probably be there as well. Palpatine's been confirmed, I think. There was an image of him.
Ant-Man is getting a DLC, based on Ant-Man (movie).
Olimar McCain wrote:
Local Knowledge wrote: This is my wishlist:
DC Comics: Robin with Red Bird Cycle, Flash with Flash Mobile, Martian Manhunter with the Javelin-7,
Green Lantern with Green Lantern Jet, Two-Face with Two-Face Truck, Riddler with Speedster, Scarecrow with Biplane
Lord of the Rings: Saruman with Cave Troll, Sauron with ????, Frodo with Eagle
The LEGO Movie: Vitruvius (as a Ghost) with Getaway Glider, Batman (The LEGO Movie) with Batwing (vorm 2 = Batmobile, vorm 3 = Batboat), Lord Business with Micro Manager
Doctor Who Missy/The Master with her TARDIS, Zygon with ????
The Wizard of Oz: Cowardly Lion with ????
Harry Potter: Harry with Sirius' Motorcycle, Hermione with Buckbeak, Ron with Flying Ford Anglia
What about Catwoman? She's a iconic character in the DC Universe.
And MetalBeard (in his minifig version) with the Sea Cow.
Olimar McCain wrote:
VesperalLight wrote:
Olimar McCain wrote: There are three characters that must be playable in the next year imo:
Core Transfer sounds like a pretty cool ability. How would it work?
There Core Transfer Switches in new or upgraded levels, were Wheatley can be attached to, so that he can activate functions or control several parts of a computer system, so the ability is pretty much a fusion of hacking and mind control :)
Olimar McCain wrote: There are three characters that must be playable in the next year imo:
Core Transfer sounds like a pretty cool ability. How would it work?
VesperalLight wrote:
Olimar McCain wrote:
VesperalLight wrote: Okay so I was looking at the "news" section on the game's loading screen when I saw the Ghostbusters Level Pack. I went on it and read the full description, then at the bottom (where it describes the adventure world) it said something like, play as Ray, Egon, Winston and Peter as you explore the Ghostbusters world. Something like that, I honestly can't remember. What if GB are Ghostbusters packs with Ray, Egon and Winston?
It may be a mistake, or the rest of the Ghostbusters are unlockable/downloadable costumes for Peter Venkman. I honestly don't think that the rest of the Ghostbusters are playable since they're all using the same weapons. You know, the difference between the Ghostbusters are pretty much only the looks and the voice, but it would be cool if Lego would expand the playable franchises.
I think it might've been "or" instead of "and".
and yeah, you can switch from Peter Venkman to Ray Stanz etc as costumes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk74zuu1ZHA&feature=youtu.be&t=955
Olimar McCain wrote:
VesperalLight wrote: Okay so I was looking at the "news" section on the game's loading screen when I saw the Ghostbusters Level Pack. I went on it and read the full description, then at the bottom (where it describes the adventure world) it said something like, play as Ray, Egon, Winston and Peter as you explore the Ghostbusters world. Something like that, I honestly can't remember. What if GB are Ghostbusters packs with Ray, Egon and Winston?
It may be a mistake, or the rest of the Ghostbusters are unlockable/downloadable costumes for Peter Venkman. I honestly don't think that the rest of the Ghostbusters are playable since they're all using the same weapons. You know, the difference between the Ghostbusters are pretty much only the looks and the voice, but it would be cool if Lego would expand the playable franchises.
I think it might've been "or" instead of "and".
Okay so I was looking at the "news" section on the game's loading screen when I saw the Ghostbusters Level Pack. I went on it and read the full description, then at the bottom (where it describes the adventure world) it said something like, play as Ray, Egon, Winston and Peter as you explore the Ghostbusters world. Something like that, I honestly can't remember. What if GB are Ghostbusters packs with Ray, Egon and Winston?
Jacobmax10 wrote:
VesperalLight wrote: I'd like to see Swarm. Swarm is my favourite Marvel villain. The dude is literally made of bees.
How do you think they would make him look. I personally think they would do him like a mini version of the sandman boss fight whit mini bees making up his body
Same, that'd be awesome.
I'd like to see Swarm. Swarm is my favourite Marvel villain. The dude is literally made of bees.
VesperalLight wrote:
SirDraco wrote: GHOST RIDER, surely he has to be in considering he's getting his own set this summer, right?
Ghost Rider's getting a set?? Link please.
I saw Just2Good's video and I wonder what the set'll include. Hmm.