Happy Pride Month! I'm bi/pan. :)
I'm not familiar enough with Ninjago to make a build but I'm still replying to pay respects.
Rest In Peace, Kirby Morrow.
Seba0204 wrote: After the 2 season of Unkitty was cancelled
Graf Gaius wrote: The Bath needs more censors
Anyway, cannot wait to make Lego Versions of Our Original Characters
I can't wait, either!
It'd be pretty cool, and would make sense since he's already in Dimensions.
This one's a wild guess but there might be some sets based on Into the Spider-Verse or Spider-Man PS4. That said, there doesn't seem to be vehicles in either of them that would translate well to sets, and sets for both would've probably been released earlier. The Far From Home sets have confirmed to have different villains in each set (specifically Molten Man, Hydro Man, and Mysterio). However, I'm not sure about what any of the sets are gonna be.
Thatstinkyguy wrote: LEGO James Bond would be awesome!
They probably will make it at some point, since we already have the Aston Martin as a set.
AhsokaTanoJediKnight wrote: They have a snowball’s chance in Hell of running outta ideas.
RealGameTime wrote: bruh that's a bootleg
The T-rating alone gives it away.
YUU1yp wrote: The Lego company has run out of ideas in video games?
I don't think.
Toa Kopaka Nuva wrote: Goblins aren't "satanic" or new to this theme. The Illuminati is also not a "satanic" organisation. LEGO characters have been captured by the "bad guys" for many years this is nothing new. The only thing you mentioned that could be interpreted as "satanic" is oni masks but that makes sense given the story (Riving the evil Garmadon)
Yes, LEGO would never make anything truly satanic. We don't need to start up another Jabba's Palace or Turg-type controversy.
ToaMatau2004 wrote:
Trigger Happy the Gremlin wrote:
Gloves for wrote:
He is far less destructive than he used to be now that I set up I few things.
Gloves for wrote:
Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls wrote: I'm willing to help wherever I can. ;)
We don't need that language here.
Gillan1220 wrote: Why not release sets from JPI all the way to Jurassic World 2