Does the season pas include the agents of shield, masters of evil, doctor strange, captain marvel, and black panther packs???
Hilfling wrote:
Elijah Groth wrote:
Local Knowledge wrote: However I do hope that the CW and Ant-Man DLC will be for other consoles. Remember the Batman of the Future DLC? It was for PS4 & PS3 as well.
Wait, so will there not be DLCs for Xbox 360?
yes, there wil, every dlc pack announced will be on xbox 360, only Civil war and ant-man dlcs are timely ekslusive to PS3 and PS4, so after a month or 2, everbody wil be able to get ant-man and civil war.
Thank you so much for the feedback. It seriously means a lot, bro, because I was beginning to think i'd never be able to get the 2 packs, and I want them REALLY bad!
Local Knowledge wrote: However I do hope that the CW and Ant-Man DLC will be for other consoles. Remember the Batman of the Future DLC? It was for PS4 & PS3 as well.
Wait, so will there not be DLCs for Xbox 360?
Does anyone know if there will be a level to go with the Ant-Man DLC? I really hope so, but I'm confused as to why there is no yellow jacket. There is Darren Cross so maybe he can suit up into yellow jacket!
Derekwst3 wrote: Arthur mentioned the game story is a majority of phase 2 so I wouldn't doubt yellowjacket, and wasp to both be in.
Very True.
I hope Yellowjacket is in it too. Ant-Man is in the game so that means there probably won't be an Ant-Man DLC. :(
LEGOBennyTheBrick3 wrote:
VesperalLight wrote:
LEGOBennyTheBrick3 wrote:
Elijah Groth wrote:
VesperalLight wrote:
Elijah Groth wrote: Can't lie, Amazing Spider-man 1 and 2 characters would be great, even though its unrelated. But still. Who agrees we need a Lego Amazing Spider-man video game?
Unlikely, because Spider-Man isn't appearing in the game. It would still be awesome though. Maybe as a DLC.
It really would!
DLCs are great and all, but many Wii U owners and I would not want to be excluded from great content like that. So badly I want all of the LEGO Batman 3 DLC packs, but I can't unfortunately. If TT Games really wanted to improve, maybe they should include Nintendo more often.
Well, to be fair, Nintendo did get two Wii U exclusive games. But they really should make DLC for Wii U.
This is amazing news. My mind was blown when I heard this. The season pass will be available for the Wii U!!!
VesperalLight wrote:
Elijah Groth wrote: Can't lie, Amazing Spider-man 1 and 2 characters would be great, even though its unrelated. But still. Who agrees we need a Lego Amazing Spider-man video game?
Unlikely, because Spider-Man isn't appearing in the game. It would still be awesome though. Maybe as a DLC.
It really would!
Can't lie, Amazing Spider-man 1 and 2 characters would be great, even though its unrelated. But still. Who agrees we need a Lego Amazing Spider-man video game?