LEGOBennyTheBrick3 wrote: Who else would want a mosasaurus arena?
If they do, I hope they make these sets: Visitor Center- Includes Compsagnathus and various holograms, the Visitor Center, Claire, Henry Wu and other JW workers.
Monorail Station- Includes Stegosaurus, Monorail Bridge, Monorail Train, Zach and Gray.
Mosasaur Stadium- Includes Mosasaur, Stadium, Hanging Shark, Zach and Gray's Babysitter, a vet and a guarding ACU trooper.
Aviary Flee- Includes Dimorphodon and Pteranodon, Torch, Wrench, Run down JW jeep, Zach and Gray.
Welcome to Jurassic Park- Includes Brachiosaurus, Jurassic Park Gate, 2 Jurassic Park Jeeps, John Hammond, Robert Muldoon, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm.
Dilophosaurus Encounter- Includes Dilophosaurus, DNA tubes, Dennis's red pick-up truck and Dennis.
T-Rex Disaster- Includes T-Rex, Completely wrecked JP jeep, 2 light sticks ( I dunno the name ) Lexy, Tim, Alan and Ian.
All of these sets are pure guesses and maaaaaaaaybe just daydreams ( more than likely ). But in all seriousness I hope they make more sets.