(In the ruins of foundation prime, an odd figure finds a rather familiar item) ???: what is this, wait, this is, (lord vortech' s voice is heard laughing) ???: no! This power is mine now! (Summons a portal and vanishes vortech' section remains into it) well now that we are equally matched, father, you and I can't destroy eachother. I suppose it's time I get down to business (smiles as he reaches his hands out to the sky, foundation prime reassembles into a magnificent palace resembling the taj-mahal) this is the true form you were never able to unlock. The reason you failed is because you didn't have all of the elements and weren't able to tap into there true power. Now I will pick up that task, and truly form the perfect dimension! (Body electrocutes, sets on fire, expands into a big fig and shrinks back into a minifigure) ah, I forgot, I used most of my power to get here, but still, I only need the 6 primaries first so....