probably, and the cape isn't confirmed to custom the last wheel bike even gave him a cape..
They haven't ran out of ideas, they just don't use any new ideas Nabbit the rabbit bandit. 03:11, September 7, 2013 (UTC)
rats. the only wave I was going to get.... :(
I really think it's a good turn, more $$$. Better Figures to. I would like a wave of Star wars... and if lego got a nintendo license they would a have the best collectible minifigures wave ever...
I really am hoping for Hugo in the collectible minfigures. I just hope figures like Ralph, Chief Wiggum, and Skinner aren't in it, unless there is a set they would fit in.
These sets don't really interest me, sadly... :(
I didn't say those where crap, but I'm actually not getting any set this year every set is boring...
one day licenses will take over the world!
The ADU guns are crap I'd rather have the next wave of sets use star wars guns, or even just revolvers would be fine but be done with ADU guns, please....
that looks boring, I'd rather have Simpsons any day. :/
Why is it odd to include Bat-Girl and Tropical Joker in the same set Berry?
I really wanted wokkies in the battle pack, and more clones and a jedi in the barc speeder set, also hoping that the utapu troopers set is droids not clones ansd a boga is added to the set, and the mini ships are only $10.
Great wave. Love the replacement for the planet series , the planet series was boring... i just wonder why chewy is in the AT-PT instead of Tarrfull also don't like the fact that there is no boga and mos of the sets are remakes... the spring loaded shooter looks like a a non lego brick to.. also I don't know why the STAP is blue, also don't like that there is no rebel or Droid battle pack and why is the clone battle pack just a mini swamp speeder....
I would actually like the police sets if they were more realistic, and those non-police sets sound good...