Oh and also if you respond please don’t quote some idiot please respond to me with your words and thoughts.
Thank you
@Kilmarnock228 the only rude thing I said was low IQ kids but anyway I wasn’t talking about character hardships or imaginary evil villains I was talking about the dark plot lines and the violence packaged with it.
For example let’s look at the LEGO theme Mars mission
Mars missions plot is that humans need a new energy source and they find it on Mars but they soon realize that aliens are after it too so instead of showing kids that sharing and being kind are lessons to be learned like what LEGO did with the life on Mars theme.
Lego instead made the humans and aliens go against each other in an all out war and in the last wave of sets the humans start using captured aliens as a power source and treat them as something of no value.
So the lessons kids learn from Mars mission is that you don’t have to share and if you and someone else want the same thing fight each other for it.
Also why do you act like we are on some special violence in LEGO debate?? We’re on the LEGO fandom for crying out loud😂
The nose and cockpit look unfinished and it doesn’t include a teal brick separator so it’s not worth $200 bucks
These are my must play LEGO games. Do note that I didn’t include Star Wars or any of the DC /marvel or bionicle games since everyone knows those game are good so why waste your time So instead I will included games that don’t have five or ten sequels
LEGO Indiana Jones the original adventures
(Get the first one because the second one sucks)
LEGO Jurassic world
LEGO island 1&2 pc
LEGO racers 1 (2 wasn’t that good)
LEGO battles ds ( if you can get over the Gba graphics it’s really addictive turn based game)
LEGO city undercover( get the 3ds version too because it’s a prequel to city undercover on consoles)
You also forgot all of the dark stuff in Bionicle and all the violent themes LEGO made in the early 2000s like Dino attack and Mars mission etc. LEGO themes have always been violent and dark it’s just been well hidden from parents and low IQ kids
Indiana Jones and Mars mission
None of the above
I hate this theme it is just wasting space on a store shelf that could be used for more sets
from other popular LEGO themes
And here are my cons
-overpriced MiniFigure in a box
-this is another one of legos phone experiments
-wasted theme potential
-it’s not a freaking space theme
10/10 It looks great👍 but I think you should remove the blue technic pin from the back of the ship