As some of you are probably already aware, LEGO has changed more than Pythor's skin color with their new Minifigure. Obviously he's supposed to have his purple replaced with white and his black replaced with purple, and aside from the obvious Anacondrai Cultist belt/armor they gave his torso print (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense since Pythor isn't on their side in the show), LEGO has made subtle differences in the shape of his neck and tail print decals.
These differences include the change in shape, as I mentioned before, and also the lack of the gold markings his original Minifigure had. Even worse is that they make Pythor look like this in the show for the season with the Anacondrai Cultists and everything. Although in Rebooted, Pythor looked like a recolored version of his original CGI model, as he still had the gold markings and everything.
I don't know if it's just me, but does anyone else want LEGO to make a version that's just a recolor of his original print decals? I know this is sort of asking a lot of them since they've already given us a white Pythor Minifigure. But that's just it: they can say they gave us a white Pythor already, despite changing the print decal shape and taking away the gold markings for no reason. After all, the only thing that the venom/acid of the Great Devourer did was bleach Pythor white. Unless the shrinking pill he swallowed in Rebooted changed his skin pattern shape, which is likely the excuse someone would give us, there's no reason for it to be changed.
Below is my digitally rendered image of what I think the new Pythor Minifigure should have looked like. Although there are still changes in the shape and gold/yellow markings in places where they don't belong, you get the idea: LEGO should have just recolored the original print images/decals.
Chakor Channing 9:20, May 30, 2015 (UTC)