@Minecraftpinksheeep I just looked at the price tag… Are you insane?!
Soon buddy… Soon Indeed…
Sometimes I just find bricks under my bed for no reason…
Yea, I think i’ll back Toa up on this one. My first thought was Starlord aswell.
I don’t have many out of the book creations at the moment. Most of them are just lost in a ton of bricks in storage.
Like a meal for the mind 😆
You should be, It is very cool!
I am wrong aren’t I.
I could tell. From the Joker car set I suppose?
Interesting! And you built this yourself?
I personally like building straight out of the book, but I am never afraid to venture of the path a little bit and try to add my own twist to things!
I love the Lego creator expert, Architecture, and Creator sets!
I would have to say around 11 years.
I am indeed a LEGO builder. This Fandom is pretty relaxed, so feel free to talk about anything you like and ask active users like myself questions. Hope to see you hang around for a while!
Sorry, I’ll do a little more researching next time!