Brikkyy13 wrote: There is no possible way for a crossover. Greg has confirmed that the HF story team thought about having HF in the same universe as BIONICLE, but they decided against it. HF is not in BIONICLE's universe, and will never be.
However, this does not mean I don't want a crossover. I would love to see a short video of hero factory characters get destroyed by BIONICLE legends. I can see it now. Tahu ripping off Furno's head, calling him a rip-off and using some epic fire sword to carve the hero core right out of his chest.
There is no possible way for a crossover. Greg has confirmed that the HF story team thought about having HF in the same universe as BIONICLE, but they decided against it. HF is not in BIONICLE's universe, and will never be.
First of all, the new theme is a reboot, meaning none of the old stuff happened. The entire story for this new theme is the NYCC promo video (found on bionicles Facebook page) and the 6 character bios on the website. If you're thinking that knowing the old stuff will make the story easier to follow, you're wrong. All the old fans know about the new story is everything that I've just said.
If you want to know the old storyline purely for pleasure, there is no way you can learn the amount you want to learn in the short amount of time that you're saying. I, myself, know the old storyline pretty well, but I'm still learning new things and I've been following it since 2008.
I could teach you, but as Schtickman said it would take a really long time to explain. It would raise so many questions, and most of the, never get answered.
My suggestions:
You must be sure that this is what you want to do. If you're serious about learning the BIONICLE storyline, it'll take days of research to get an idea of the storyline. If you're not serious, and only wanted to know about for the sake of the reboot, don't bother. Unless the rumors that the vahi is only half a mask is true, there is no point to learning the old storylines.
Are you sure you want to know the original story, or would you rather watch the video, read the bios and become an expert in the new story?
Reliable sources say that there will be 5 sets in wave two. Personally, I believe these will be Ekimu, Makuta and 3 other characters of significance that will be introduced in the online shorts.
Mr.reporter wrote: leva and copak ? sound like lewa and kopaka
Keep in mind these were translated from Russian.
Someone on the other wiki has found several different sources stating that: 1- Lewa will be green and brown 2- Kopaka will be white and gold 3- Gali will most likely be blue and white 4- Tahu, Onua and Kopaka will be larger than Lewa, Gali and Pohatu 5- The "earth defender" is most likely the spider from the leaked image
I also want to point out that The LEGO Group has requested that the leaked image be removed off of several sites including Flickr.
But what is even more assuring, LEGO has allowed the creation of the pages (related to the sets) on the other wiki. Some of the admins asked if adding the pages would affect their ties with The LEGO Group, and they [TLG] said it wouldn't.
SpyroandLPSfan wrote: Either the Duplo Aliens or Lord Business's evil brother (Lord Vortexx)
I doubt the Duplo aliens will be the villains. They'll probably have cameos on paintings where Emmet is breaking their pieces, but they won't have a major role.
And what are your sources regarding this "Lord Vortexx"?
What I think will happen is the ninjago movie will be completely unrelated, but in the same cinematic universe. At the end of the ninjago film, there'll be a twist ending, and Emmet and his friends will jump out of a helicopter (or something like that) and help defeat the bad guy. But he/she will get away and will return and be the villain in The LEGO Movie 2.
Schtickman wrote:
BenjiHudson wrote: Who says The Simpsons can't be toned down? They're not going to have sets like "Homer Marge Sex" and "Homer Gets Drunk" they just wouldn't do that. There is nothing inappropriate with the sets listed...
I can't even imagine what would Homer Gets Drunk set look like.
I would buy that one. It would probably be a mid-sized set, and would feature Moe's Tavern, and would be built in the same scale as the bank from that Batman set in 2012. I would say the minifigs would be Moe, Barney and a Homer variant where the pupils are looking different ways.
However, we may get a set like it, considering how there are two cocktails included with the house.
Ultra chi ninja of imagination wrote:
FX8 wrote: He only appears in 1 set so people are assuming he dies
So did pixal
(PIXAL was revived by Zane, he split his heart in half and gave it too her)
On the subject of Max, we won't be able to tell until the release of the free comic app. Hopefully it'll have actual comics, and not 3 panel backstories like the boxes of the Agents sets. (face it, Ultra Agents is basically Agents meets Tron)
DOGLOVER129 wrote: R.I.P MAX - 2000 SOMETHING - 2014
Considering how long the design process is, I'd say 2012-2014
LegoLover58 wrote: BOGUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was this to my comment or to the death of Max?
Legosuperheroesfan wrote: When was the last time LEGO killed off a major hero? Matoro in 2007?
Matoro lived, but was a slave to Makuta.
I think it's obvious what's happening. My theory on the agents/ultra agents:
The ultra agents is set in the distant future, long after the first agents and galaxy squad. It has already been proven that Ultra Agents is in the same universe as Galaxy Squad (It's just a few decades in the future, considering how Solomon Blaze has aged), so maybe it's in the same universe as the original Agents.
Maybe the ultra agents are part of the same military division as the agents, and the truck has just been upgraded.
I support RaceLord's nomination of himself. He's been here since I joined (December 2012) and is an incredibly responsible user. (I am surprised that he hasn't already tried for admin yet)
I would nominate myself, but I don't have enough main space edits (even though most of them have been removing red links and finding images) and I've been blocked for something I didn't do (I'm not saying it didn't happen, it just wasn't me who did it).
Krasher137 wrote:
Brikkyy13 wrote:
Krasher137 wrote: If they do make it, the only question is if it will be a major success,just like the original, or if it's going to join Lego Universe.
LEGO universe was shut down ages ago. Unless they reopen it, (which is highly unlikely) it won't join on.
My guess... If a LEGO minecraft game is released, it'll be an official resource pack for the real minecraft, with a unique download code given in Minifigure scale sets (like the PC batman code in the batman set, you know... with the bat and the tumbler?)
What I meant by it joining Lego Universe is that if it would fail. Now that I think of it though, it would be better off as just a texture pack.
Oh. ok. There is a texture pack, but it doesnt look nearly as good as an official one would (i.e: steve is brickified to look like a minifig)
To download: scroll down and click the download button. ITS NOT GREEN! ITS THE MINECRAFTY ONE!
Krasher137 wrote: If they do make it, the only question is if it will be a major success,just like the original, or if it's going to join Lego Universe.
LEGO universe was shut down ages ago. Unless they reopen it, (which is highly unlikely) it won't join on.
My guess... If a LEGO minecraft game is released, it'll be an official resource pack for the real minecraft, with a unique download code given in Minifigure scale sets (like the PC batman code in the batman set, you know... with the bat and the tumbler?)
Bustpaag wrote:
Berrybrick wrote:
Brikkyy13 wrote:
Berrybrick wrote: ...having licenses based on properties like Star Wars and Marvel certainly helps and LEGO might be running if MB owned them, I largely disagree with what you said.
Really? Why? If you don't mind me asking?
Because it's more than just the licenses. They are a big help, I think that LEGO would have been bought by Hasbro or Disney or whoever if it wasn't for Star Wars, but LEGO just has a much larger presence than Mega Bloks. In business, presence is everything. If nobody knows or sees your product, then nobody will buy it. LEGO is a big part of pop culture at the moment, and has been for the last 10 years or so.
I agree
Ok. And what Bustpaag write about quality seems right too.
Berrybrick wrote: ...having licenses based on properties like Star Wars and Marvel certainly helps and LEGO might be running if MB owned them, I largely disagree with what you said.
Really? Why? If you don't mind me asking?