Sometime during the 18th century, a peaceful colony of settlers enjoying the island treasures they discovered, suddenly had their serenity interrupted. The invaders were those who called themselves the LEGOLAND Pirates of the Sea! For years, the Pirates had been searching for the same buried treasure that the settlers were now claiming as their own. This, of course, disturbed the Pirates as they knew the doubloons (Spanish gold coins) the settlers found had belonged to their ancestors.
The first to hear the news that the settlers had discovered treasure was Captain Redbeard, captain of the Pirate ship Black Seas Barracuda. The Captain decided to gather his men, load his cannons and set sail to reclaim the Pirate treasures from the Eldorado Fortress. High winds, turbulent waters and tornado-like storms would have overwhelmed most, but not the Pirates, for they knew what fortunes lay ahead.
Just then, looming off in the horizon the Captain noticed the outline of an object. "What could it be?", he thought to himself, "Perhaps the trip will not be as easy as I thought..."
Use your imagination to continue The Adventures of the LEGOLAND Pirates of the Sea!