LEGO → Accessories → Atlantis |
The name of this set is conjectural. Although this article or section is based on an official subject, its actual name is pure conjecture. |
852906 Atlantis 3D Goggles is a LEGO Atlantis product released in 2010.
The goggles came with LEGO Club Magazine, LEGO Brickmaster Magazine in the US, UK, Germany and Canada, and also LEGO Club Jr. It is used as a pair of 3D goggles for the Atlantis comic and website ad within the magazine and can also be used for the LEGO Atlantis website. The goggles were released inside a cardboard triangle which represents an Atlantis Key. The triangle could fold out and reveal the goggles inside a plastic bag and a 3D image of Captain Ace Speedman with a blue Shark Key and a Guardian of the Deep together with a Squid Warrior and a Shark Warrior in the background. The back of the triangle depicts the 2010 Atlantis sets. The cardboard triangle, however, did NOT come with the Goggles in North America.