9594 Green City for MINDSTORMS is a DactaMindstormsset that was released in 2011. The set includes 1365 pieces to construct a windmill to place on the play-mat, with extra bricks included. The set is designed for ages of nine or older.
LEGO.com Description[]
This is a description taken from LEGO.com. Please do not modify it.
Age Mark: 9+
Key Learning Values:
Covers key areas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Literacy
Design, build and present robots that can be tested and developed to perform specific tasks
Experiment with speed and distance whilst exploring the effects of friction
Develop research skills, make predictions and draw conclusions
Piece Count: 1365
Providing students with a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education robotics challenge that involves building an energy efficient city and programming robots to complete tasks such as powering a wind turbine and closing a dam. The set includes three training mats, a challenge mat and bricks to build a variety of green city models. This is an Add-on Set to the MINDSTORMS Education Base Set and Software and requires the Activity Pack for Green City for MINDSTORMS.