The B-Wing Pilot , otherwise known as Gray Squadron Pilot , is a minifigure first released in 2000 . It represents the Rebel Pilots in Star Wars who specialised in flying B-Wing fighters.
Description [ ]
There are four types of B-Wing pilots. The first two both wear red suits and the same type of helmet, however the head of the pilot included with 7180 B-Wing at Rebel Control Center is yellow, while the head of the pilot included in 6208 B-Wing Fighter is flesh-coloured. In 2013, a newer version was released, with a new printed torso, printed legs, and a different helmet piece with a yellow visor. In 2014, a new variant was released, with a new colour scheme, a new helmet mould, a new printed face with violet visor, and new printing on the torso and legs.
Background [ ]
The B-Wing Pilots were Rebel Pilots who flew B-Wings , which were first introduced in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi . Pilots in Gray Squadron under the command of Horton Salm, wore different flight suits than pilots from other squadrons. However, Gray Squadron was made up of Y-Wings, not B-Wings.
Appearances [ ]
Video Game Appearances [ ]
Gallery of Varations [ ]
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Aayla Secura \ Agen Kolar \ Ahsoka Tano \ Anakin Skywalker \ Barriss Offee \ Bene \ Cal Kestis \ Coleman Trebor \ Eeth Koth \ Even Piell \ Ezra Bridger \ Ithorian Jedi Master ♦ \ Jedi Bob ♦ \ Jedi Consular \ Jedi Knight (The Old Republic) \ Kai Brightstar \ Kanan Jarrus \ Kelleran Beq \ Ki-Adi-Mundi \ Kit Fisto \ Luke Skywalker \ Luminara Unduli \ Lys Solay \ Mace Windu \ Nahdar Vebb \ Nubs \ Obi-Wan Kenobi \ Plo Koon \ Qui-Gon Jinn \ Quinlan Vos \ Rey \ Saesee Tiin \ Satele Shan \ Shaak Ti \ Sig Greebling ♦ \ Stass Allie \ Yoda
Sith/Sith Allies/Dark Jedi
Asajj Ventress \ Baylan Skoll \ Count Dooku \ Darth Dev ♦ \ Darth Malak \ Darth Malgus \ Darth Maul \ Darth Revan \ Darth Vader \ Fifth Brother \ Galen Marek \ General Grievous \ Grand Inquisitor \ Knights of Ren \ Kylo Ren \ Marrok \ Morgan Elsbeth \ Naare ♦ \ Palpatine \ Pong Krell \ Reva Sevander \ Savage Opress \ Shin Hati \ Sith Fleet Officer \ Sith Probe Droid \ Sith Jet Trooper \ Sith Trooper \ Sith Trooper (Sith Eternal) \ Sith Warrior \ Snoke
Clone Troopers
187th Legion Clone Commander \ 187th Legion Clone Trooper \ 212th Clone Trooper \ 212th Clone Paratrooper \ 332nd Clone Trooper \ 501st Clone Pilot \ 501st Clone Specialist \ 501st Heavy Trooper \ 501st Legion Clone Trooper \ 501st Officer \ CT-5555 "Fives" \ CC-2224 "Cody" \ CT-7567 "Rex" \ Clone Captain Vaughn \ CC-1010 "Fox" \ CC-1004 "Gree" \ CC-5579-39 "Gregor" \ CC-3636 "Wolffe" \ Clone Aerial Trooper \ Clone Commander \ Clone Commander (Horn Company) \ Clone Gunner \ Clone Jetpack Trooper \ Clone Pilot \ Clone Pilot Jag \ Clone Pilot Odd Ball \ Clone Recon Trooper \ Clone Scout Trooper \ Clone Trooper \ Clone Trooper Sergeant \ Clone Trooper Lieutenant \ Clone Trooper Captain \ Clone Trooper Commander \ Clone Trooper Wolfpack \ ARC Trooper \ ARF Trooper \ BARC Trooper \ Bomb Squad Trooper \ CT-55/11-9009 "Jag" \ Crosshair \ Echo \ Geonosis Clone Troopers \ Hunter \ Kashyyyk Clone Trooper \ Shadow ARF Trooper \ Shock Trooper \ Siege Battalion Trooper \ Special Forces Clone Trooper ♦ \ Special Forces Commander ♦ \ Star Corps Trooper \ Tech \ Wrecker
Galactic Republic
Antidar Williams \ Bail Organa \ Quarsh Panaka \ Jace Malcom \ Jar Jar Binks \ Jek-14 ♦ \ Mon Mothma \ Naboo Fighter Pilot \ Naboo Security Officer \ Onaconda Farr \ Padme Amidala \ QT-KT \ R2-R7 \ R3-D5 \ R4-G9 \ R4-P17 \ R4-P22 \ R4-P44 \ R7-A7 \ R7-D4 \ R7-F5 \ R8-B7 \ Republic Captain \ Republic Pilot \ Republic Trooper \ Senate Commando \ Senate Commando Captain \ T7-O1 \ TC-4
A4-D \ Battle Droid \ Battle Droid Commander \ Buzz Droid \ Commando Droid \ Count Dooku \ Droideka \ Dwarf Spider Droid \ EV-A4-D \ FA-4 \ General Grievous \ Geonosian Pilot \ Geonosian Warrior \ Geonosian Zombie \ MagnaGuard \ Neimodian \ Nute Gunray \ Pilot Battle Droid \ Poggle the Lesser \ Rocket Battle Droid \ Rocket Droid Commander \ Security Battle Droid \ Separatist Bounty Hunter ♦ \ Sniper Droideka \ Dwarf Spider Droid \ R4-G0 ♦ \ Super Battle Droid \ TX-20 \ Umbaran Soldier
Galactic Empire (Part 1)
Ackbar Trooper ♦ \ Artillery Stormtrooper \ AT-AT Pilot \ AT-DP Pilot \ AT-ST Pilot \ Commander Praji \ Crosshair \ Dark Trooper \ Darth Vader \ DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid \ Droid Brain \ Fifth Brother \ Firmus Piett \ FX-6 Medical Assistant Droid \ Garindan ezz Zavor \ IT-O \ Iden Versio \ Imperial Crew \ Imperial Combat Driver \ Imperial Commando \ Imperial Hovertank Pilot \ Imperial Jetpack Trooper \ Imperial Navy Officer \ Imperial Officer \ Imperial Death Trooper \ Imperial Ground Trooper \ Imperial Gunner \ Imperial Navy Trooper \ Imperial Patrol Trooper \ Imperial Praetorian Guard \ Imperial Protocol Droid \ Imperial Range Trooper \ Imperial Recruitment Officer \ Imperial Shock Trooper \ Imperial Shoretrooper \ Imperial Transport Pilot \ Inferno Squad Agent
Galactic Empire (Part 2)
M-OC Hunter Droid ♦ \ Maximilian Veers \ Mimban Stormtrooper \ Moff Gideon \ Mouse Droid \ NI-L8 \ Night Trooper \ Orson Krennic \ Palpatine \ R2-E6 \ R2-Q2 \ R2-Q5 \ R3-M3 \ R5-J2 \ RA-7 Protocol Droid \ Prowler 1000 Exploration Droid \ Rae Sloane \ Royal Guard \ Sandtrooper \ Scout Trooper \ Security Droid \ Sentry Droid \ Shadow Guard \ Shadow Trooper \ Shadow Stormtrooper \ Snowtrooper \ Snowtrooper Commander \ Stormtrooper \ Syril Karn \ Thrawn \ Tiaan Jerjerrod \ TIE Pilot \ Wilhuff Tarkin \ Wullf Yularen \ Zuzanu Latt
First Order
BB-9E \ Captain Peavey \ Phasma \ Elrik Vonreg \ Enric Pryde \ First Order Crew \ First Order Gunner \ First Order Flametrooper \ First Order Executioner \ First Order General \ First Order Heavy Assault Stormtrooper \ First Order Jet Trooper \ First Order Medical Droid \ First Order Officer \ First Order Shuttle Pilot \ First Order Snowtrooper \ First Order Snowtrooper Officer \ First Order Stormtrooper \ First Order Stormtrooper Officer \ First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant \ First Order Technician \ First Order TIE Pilot \ First Order Treadspeeder Driver \ First Order Walker Driver \ FN-2112 \ FN-2187 \ FN-2199 \ Armitage Hux \ Dopheld Mitaka \ Praetorian Guard \ Praetorian Training Droid
Rebel Alliance (Part 1)
A-Wing Pilot \ Admiral Raddus \ Alexsandr Kallus \ Airen Cracken \ Antoc Merrick \ B-wing Pilot \ Baze Malbus \ Bail Organa \ Biggs Darklighter \ Bistan \ Bodhi Rook \ Raymus Antilles \ C1-10P \ C-3PO \ Carasynthia Dune \ Cassian Andor \ Chief Chirpa \ Chirrut Îmwe \ Commander Sato \ Dak Ralter \ Duro \ Dutch Vander \ Endor Rebel Trooper \ Enfys Nest \ Ewok Warrior \ Freemaker family (Kordi Freemaker \ R0-GR \ Rowan Freemaker \ Zander Freemaker ) ♦ \ Garazeb Orrelios \ Gial Ackbar \ Jan Dodonna \ Crix Madine \ Carlist Rieekan \ Garven Dreis \ Gray Squadron Pilot \ Hera Syndulla \ Hoth Officer \ Hoth Rebel Trooper \ Jek Porkins \ Juno Eclipse \ Jyn Erso \ K-3PO \ K-2SO \ Lando Calrissian \ Leia Organa \ Lobot \ Logray
Rebel Alliance (Part 2)
Mon Calamari Officer \ Mon Mothma \ Moroff \ Nien Nunb \ Pao \ Paploo \ Quarrie \ R2-BHD \ R2-D2 \ R3-A2 \ R3-M2 \ R3-S1 \ R-3PO \ R5-D4 \ R5-D8 \ R5-F7 \ Rebel Commando \ Rebel Crew \ Rebel Mechanic \ Rebel Engineer \ Rebel Ground Crew \ Rebel Pilot \ Rebel Trooper \ Sabine Wren \ Sandspeeder Gunner \ Sandspeeder Pilot \ Saw Gerrera \ Snowspeeder Pilot \ T-16 Pilot \ Tarfful \ Tokkat \ Ten Numb \ Theron Nett \ Toryn Farr \ U-3PO \ U-Wing Pilot \ Weazel \ Wedge Antilles \ Wes Janson \ Wicket Wystri Warrick \ Will Scotian \ Wookiee Warrior \ Wullffwarro \ X-wing Pilot \ Yesi Scala ♦ \ Zev Senesca
The Resistance/New Republic
Amilyn Holdo \ BB-8 \ C1-10P \ Bek \ Beyta \ Boolio \ C-3PO \ D-0 \ Caluan Ematt \ Finn \ Gial Ackbar \ Hawkins \ Hera Syndulla \ Jacen Syndulla \ Jannah \ Kaydel Ko Connix \ Kazuda Xiono \ Leia Organa \ Lor San Tekka \ Taslin Brance \ New Republic Astromech Droid \ Poe Dameron \ Porter \ Resistance Bombardier \ Paige Tico \ Resistance Soldier \ Resistance Speeder Pilot \ Resistance X-Wing Pilot \ R2-D2 \ Rey Skywalker \ Rose Tico \ Tallie Lintra \ Temmin "Snap" Wexley \ U5-GG \ Vi Moradi
Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Gangsters, Pirates, and Terrorists
4-LOM \ Assassin Droid \ Aurra Sing \ Boba Fett \ Bo-Katan Kryze \ Bossk \ Cad Bane \ Chewbacca \ Dengar \ Din Djarin \ Elite Assassin Droid \ Embo \ Fennec Shand \ Gar Saxon \ Greedo \ Greef Karga \ Han Solo \ Hondo Ohnaka \ IG-11 \ IG-88 \ Jango Fett \ Kanjiklub Gang Member \ Mandalorian \ Mandalorian Fleet Commander \ Mandalorian Loyalist \ Mandalorian Nite Owl \ Mandalorian Super Commando \ Mandalorian Warrior \ Pre Vizsla \ Paz Vizsla \ Quay Tolsite \ S1D6-SA-5 \ Separatist Bounty Hunter \ Snub Fighter Pilot \ Rio Durant \ Shahan Alama \ Sugi \ Tasu Leech \ The Armorer \ Tobias Beckett \ Todo 360 \ Turk Falso \ Val \ Vane \ Zam Wesell \ Zuckuss
Criminals, Scavengers, Hutt Criminal Empire, and Maz's Castle
Bala-Tik \ Bib Fortuna \ Cornelius Evazan \ DJ \ EV-9D9 \ Gamorrean Guard \ Guavian Security Soldier \ Hylobon Enforcer \ Jabba Desilijic Tiure \ Kabe \ Kardue'sai'Malloc \ Kithaba \ Malakili \ Max Rebo \ Maz Kanata \ Moloch \ Oola \ Ponda Baba \ Quarren \ Qi'ra \ Rebolt \ Ree-Yees \ Rotta \ Salacious B. Crumb \ Teedo \ Unkar Plutt \ Unkar's Brute \ Unkar's Thug \ Vizam \ Weequay \ Wooof
Acklay \ Bantha \ Blurrg \ Boga \ Corellian Hound \ Dewback \ Dianoga \ Kaadu \ Luggabeast \ Mynock \ Porg \ Rancor \ Rathtar \ Sarlacc \ Tauntaun \ Wampa
Aldar Beedo \ ASP Droid \ Astromech Droid \ B'omarr Monk \ BD-1 \ BD-72 \ Beru Lars \ Bespin Guard \ Bith \ Bucket \ Captain Tarpals \ Cloud Car Pilot \ DD-BD \ FX-9 Surgical Assistant Droid \ Gaff Kaylek \ Gasgano \ George Lucas \ Gonk Droid \ Griff Halloran \ Grogu \ Gungan Warrior \ Holocron Droid \ Hrchek Kal Fas \ Jawa \ K3-R1 \ Kessel Mine Worker \ Klatooinian Raider \ Kuiil \ L0-LA59 \ L3-GO ♦ \ LIN Demolitiontech Droid \ Mandalorian Fleet Commander \ Medical Droid \ Momaw Nadon \ Mythrol \ Nash Durango \ NED-B \ Omega \ Owen Lars \ Peli Motto \ Pit Droid \ PK Droid \ Professor Huyang \ R1-G4 \ R3-T2 \ R5-A2 \ R5-D4 \ RJ-83 \ Sebulba \ Servo (SR-VO) ♦ \ Skeleton \ Spy Droid ♦ \ Tala Durith \ Taun We \ Theelin Dancer \ Thi-Sen \ Training Droid \ Treadwell Droid \ TC-14 \ Tusken Raider \ Wald \ Watto \ Worker Droid ♦ \ Wuher \ Yuletide Squadron Pilot ♦ \ Zorii Bliss
Nonphysical Jedi
Adi Gallia \ Ashla \ Baird Kantoo ♦ \ Bobby \ Bolla Ropal \ Cozler \ Jempa \ Jocasta Nu \ Liam \ Luke Starkiller \ Mari \ Rako ♦ \ Vaash Ti ♦ \ Yaddle \ Yarael Poof
Nonphysical Sith/Sith Allies/Dark Jedi
Badawans ♦ \ Nightsisters \ Ochi of Bestoon \ Ren \ Seventh Sister \ Sith Acolyte \ Sovereign Protector \ Vaneé
Nonphysical Clone Troopers
1137 ♦ \ 1139 ♦ \ Boil \ CC-5052 "Bly" \ Clone Flametrooper \ Commander Fil \ Commander Stone \ CT-411 "Ponds" \ Galactic Marine \ CT-782 "Hevy" \ Disguised Clone \ Lieutenant Thire \ Stealth Trooper \ Waxer \ Wolf Pack Trooper
Nonphysical Galactic Republic
Captain Typho \ Cham Syndulla \ Chi Cho \ Faro Argyus \ Finis Valorum \ G8-R3 \ Grakchawwaa \ Mas Amedda \ Orn Free Taa \ R2-KT \ Riyo Chuchi \ Senator Kharrus \ Senator Philo \ Senator Yaun \ Queen Neeyutnee \ R2-A6 \ R2-B1 \ R2-N3 \ R2-R9 \ Ric Olié
Nonphysical Separatists
Daultay Dofine \ Faro Argyus \ LEP Servant Droid \ Lok Durd \ Mar Tuuk \ Mustafarian \ Nuvo Vindi \ OOM-9 \ Queen Karina \ R3-S6 \ Rune Haako \ Wat Tambor \ Whorm Loathsom
Nonphysical Galactic Empire
Admiral Ozzel \ Amda Wabo \ Beach Trooper ♦ \ Becky Smoochenbacher ♦ \ Commander Jir \ Dedra Meero \ Durpin ♦ \ General Motti \ Incinerator Stormtrooper \ Lieutenant Estoc ♦ \ Maketh Tua \ Plumestriker ♦ \ R4-M9 \ Seventh Sister
Nonphysical First Order
Bazine Netal \ Captain Canady \ Control Room Commander \ Erich S. Datoo \ FN-1824 \ FN-2112 \ FN-2199 \ Kaplan \ Lieutenant Rodinon \ Petty Officer Thanisson \ Unamo
Nonphysical Rebel Alliance
BG-81 \ Lieutenant Valeria ♦ \ Mister Bones \ R5-M2 \ Rebel Friend \ Willrow Hood
Nonphysical The Resistance
2MED2 \ AD-4M \ Aftab Ackbar \ Beaumont Kin \ Bollie Prindel \ B-U4D \ C'ai Threnalli \ Captain Cypress \ Commander D'acy \ Dellso Prin \ Ello Asty \ Ensign Goode \ GA-97 \ Rear Admiral Guich \ Harter Kalonia \ Jess "Testor" Pava \ Ka-Pao ♦ \ Klaud \ Korr Sella \ LC-24 \ Lema Eelyak \ Lieutenant Bastian \ Lieutenant Wright \ M9-G8 \ Moxie Freemaker ♦ \ O-MR1 \ PZ-4CO \ PZ-99 \ R5-2JE \ Sache Skareeet ♦ \ Tabala Zo \ Trentus Savay ♦ \ Ushos O. Statura \ VL-44 \ Wrobie Tyce
Nonphysical Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Gangsters, Pirates, and Terrorists
Adan Mose ♦ \ Athgar Heece \ Carib Diss \ Cato Parasitti \ Crokind Shand \ Cikatro Vizago \ Croll Jenkins ♦ \ HELIOS-3D \ Kintan Strider \ L3-37 \ Pirate Ruffian \ Razoo Qin-Fee \ Robonino \ Rothgar Deng \ Sarco Plank \ Varond Jelik ♦ \ Volzang Li-Thrull \ Zylas ♦
Nonphysical Criminals, Scavengers, Hutt Criminal Empire, and Maz's Castle
8D8 \ Baash ♦ \ Blass Tyran \ Cratinus \ Dasha Promenti \ Davan Marak \ Fodesinbeed Annodue \ Graballa the Hutt ♦ \ Greeata Jendowanian \ Grummgar \ HURID-327 \ Hobin Carsamba \ Hoogenz \ Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins \ Jashco Phurus \ Laparo \ Mama the Hutt \ Master Codebreaker \ ME-8D9 \ Mi'no Teest \ Naka Lit \ Ophi Egra ♦ \ Oskus Stooratt \ Prashee \ Pru Sweevant \ Quiggold \ Raam ♦ \ Rosser Weno \ Rys \ Sidon Ithano \ Strono "Cookie" Tuggs \ Strus Clan Leader \ Strus Clan Raider \ Sudswater Dilifay Glon \ Taryish Juhden \ Taybin Ralorsa \ Thromba \ Trinto Duaba \ Ubert "Sticks" Quaril \ Varmik \ Wi'ba Tuyll \ Wollivan \ Ziro Desilijic Tiure
Nonphysical Creatures
Fambaa \ Gor \ Mantellian Savrip \ Molator \ Monnok \ Nexu \ Reek \ Zillo Beast
Nonphysical Other
Alcida-Auka \ Amda Wabo \ Babu Frik \ Ben Quadinaros \ Bix Caleen \ Black Krrsantan \ BL-OX ♦ \ Bobbajo \ Boss Nass \ Cobb Vanth \ Cliegg Lars \ Constable Zuvio \ Crusher Roodown \ Dathan \ Dean \ Dexter Jettster \ E-3PO \ EGL-21 "Amps" \ Ewok \ FLO \ Freemaker family (Lena Freemaker \ Pace Freemaker )♦ \ Furlac ♦ \ Gaff Kaylek ♦ \ Gha Nachkt \ H1-NT ♦ \ Grebe-Korora \ GTAW-74 "Geetaw" \ Ignacio Wortan ♦ \ Ilco Munica \ J.J. Abrams \ Kathleen Kennedy \ Kinn Zih ♦ \ Ko Sai \ Lama Su \ Lindo Calrissian ♦ \ Mawhonic \ Miramir \ Monn Tattch \ N3-R0 ♦ \ Nambi Ghima \ Nobot \ Numa \ Ody Mandrell \ Ohn Gos \ Ottegan Acolyte ♦ \ Ottegan Warrior ♦ \ Ozeer Tenzer ♦ \ Peppi Bow \ Praster Barrun ♦ \ Praster Ommeln ♦ \ Quinar \ Ratts Tyerell \ Shmi Skywalker \ Slowen Lo \ SN-1F4 \ Sy Snootles \ Taryish Juhden \ Tee Watt Kaa \ Temiri Blagg \ Ubbla Mollbro \ Tion Medon \ Vic Vankoh ♦ \ Wag Too \ Wandering Wookiee ♦ \ Wick Cooper ♦ ♦ Original character