

[06:32] <Lavertus> brb
[06:58] <Dark Yada> \o 
[07:01] <Lavertus> Hi
[07:01] <Lavertus> How're you?
[07:04] <Dark Yada> Doing well
[07:04] <Dark Yada> Soon end of exams :D 
[07:07] <Lavertus> cool
[07:08] <Lavertus> I will have my GCSEs next year
[07:10] <Dark Yada> Nice
[07:11] <Dark Yada> For me it's a part of the "baccalauréat" [[Wikipedia:en:Baccalaur%C3%A9at|Wikipedia:en:Baccalauréat]]
[07:11] <Dark Yada> Duh doesn't work
[07:11] <Dark Yada>
[07:15] <Lavertus> ah
[07:20] <Lavertus> I am now a Bcrat on another wiki! :) 
[07:20] <Lavertus> 
[07:20] <Lavertus>
[07:26] <Dark Yada> Grats!
[07:27] <Dark Yada> (parrot is the unofficial Vanguard logo we use to spam in secret places. :p )
[07:35] <Lavertus> sorry if afk, editing over on C wiki
[07:40] <Dark Yada> No problem
[07:44] <Anakin Revanchist> Hello there...
[07:46] <Anakin Revanchist> Am i late?
[07:51] <Lavertus> HI
[07:51] <Lavertus> *Hi
[07:51] <Lavertus> Sorry, I was promoted to Bcrat on the Commodore Wiki so I am busy editting
[07:52] <Dark Yada> \o 
[07:52] <Dark Yada> Was editing on [[w:c:fr.picsou]]
[07:53] <Anakin Revanchist> Oh nice
[07:55] <Anakin Revanchist> How is everybody?
[07:56] <Lavertus> Great thanks, yourself?
[07:56] <Dark Yada> Fine too
[07:58] <Anakin Revanchist> I'm doing great...
[08:10] <Dadaw> gello
[08:10] <Lavertus> Hi
[08:11] <Dark Yada> \o 
[08:15] <ToaMatau2004> Beutifuol background
[08:15] <ToaMatau2004> The person who made it should make one for us
[08:15] <Lavertus> Hi
[08:20] <ToaMatau2004> test
[08:20] <Anakin Revanchist> Hello there
[08:22] <ToaMatau2004> Hello
[08:22] <Anakin Revanchist> General kenobi
[08:24] <ToaMatau2004> Too tired to have seen that meme
[08:24] <ToaMatau2004> But your meme will make a fine addition to my collection
[08:25] <Anakin Revanchist> Do it
[08:26] <ToaMatau2004> :( 
[08:27] <Anakin Revanchist> :-( 
[08:28] <ToaMatau2004> would have easily been my first brickhead
[08:29] <Anakin Revanchist> Yup
[08:29] <Dadaw> gello toa 
[08:29] <Dadaw> sorry for being afk doing something
[08:29] <ToaMatau2004> hi
[08:35] <Lavertus> I just posted to YT, who wants a link?
[08:37] <ToaMatau2004> I got the second comment
[08:37] <ToaMatau2004> !
[08:38] <Dadaw> i will chat this later
[08:38] <Dadaw> *check
[08:40] <Lavertus> ok
[08:42] <Dadaw> :o ) honk! (sorry xd)
[08:42] <Dadaw> *:o)
[08:42] <Lavertus> (wall) 
[08:51] <ToaMatau2004> (facewall) 
[08:52] <Dark Yada> (facewall) 
[08:52] <Dark Yada> Love that emote :p 
[08:53] <ToaMatau2004> (wall) 
[08:53] <Anakin Revanchist> Back
[08:53] <ToaMatau2004> Hello there.
[08:53] <Anakin Revanchist> General Kenobi
[08:53] <Lavertus> wb
[08:53] <Lavertus> gtg, bye
[08:53] <Anakin Revanchist> bye