

Quality Check Group
5 distinctions

We've been getting a lot of contesting for Class 3 articles to be downgraded to Class 4, but we've never really clearly defined what makes an article class 5/4/3. So, maybe we should do that here? We all have a general idea of what they are of course, but sometimes the distiction between class 3 and 4 especially can be very unclear. Anyway here's a couple of ideas I have: Class 5:

  • Either:
    • Has no infobox or other appropriate templates
    • Has an infobox which is incorrectly filled out
    • Has an infobox and other appropriate templates, but no content
    • Has an infobox and appropriate templates with content, but what content exists is obviously grammatically incorrect

Class 4:

  • Either:
    • Complies to the MoS but does not contain all relevant information, and length of content would have previously warranted a stub template being placed on the page
    • Does not completely conply to the MoS, but does follow some rules, and has a certain degree of appropriate content

Class 3:

  • Either:
    • Complies to the MoS but does not contain all relevant information (if information is a stub, class 4)
    • Contains all relevant information, but does not comply to the MoS

Just some ideas for guildelines, feel free to suggest any improvements/changes, etc. NightblazeSaber 04:34, June 14, 2011 (UTC)
