

Brickipedia Community

While all users on Brickipedia have the ability to edit, move and create most pages, some users have additional rights. These rights should only be used in the case of vandalism, preventing vandalism, or when applying decisions made by the entire Brickipedia community. To nominate a user for a user right, please see here.


Grant user rights
Delete and protect pages and files
Block users and edit user interface
Revert edits more easily using
the rollback feature
Patrol ability and suppress redirects

Superordinate user classes contain all rights of the respective subordinate classes.


Users who create many articles are assigned the autopatroller right. All that this right does is automatically mark the user's edits as "patrolled", so the counter-vandalism unit knows that they are trusted to make good edits. This right is assigned by Administrators to those who need it, and can also be requested at Project:Requests for patroller. Patrollers are:


Users who have the rollback ability are able to better revert any edits by clicking one button which will undo all edits made by the contributor that they selected. The rollback function should only be used in the case of vandalism. Users who have the rollback priviledge are:


Administrators are able to delete and protect pages, along with being able to block vandals and grant patroller rights. The Brickipedian Administrators are:


On top of administrator abilities, bureaucrats are able to grant users any of these rights mentioned above. However, these rights are only granted after a voting period, where all registered members of the comminity can vote for or against the nominated user. Bureaucrats are:


Bots' edits do not appear in the recent changes by default, and are used to perform automated functions such as categorizing or fixing spelling. Bots can also suppress redirects when moving pages, and edit semi-protected pages. Bots are selected and assigned the right by the Bot Approval Group. Bots are:
