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Sheldon L. Cooper is a minifigure created by Sparrow9988, from the The Big Bang Theory theme which is also made by Sparrow9988.


Sheldon Lee Cooper is a Caltech theoretical physicist who shares an apartment with his colleague and best friend, Leonard Hofstadter. Originally from East Texas, Sheldon started college at the age of 11, receiving his first Ph.D. at 16. Sheldon was involved in numerous experiments as a wunderkind, such as his plan to provide free electricity for his hometown by building a nuclear reactor. Unashamedly geeky, he has no qualms about speaking Klingon, wearing vintage t-shirts sporting superhero logos, or spouting various historical and cultural anecdotes. While he might claim to be the perfect human specimen, Sheldon does have his faults. Sheldon is characterized by a strict adherence to routine and hygiene; an overly intellectual personality; a tenuous understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor; and a general lack of humility or empathy, the former of which is demonstrated in the fact that he has no problem voicing to his peers his admiration for his superior intellect.

Gallery of Variants[]

Sheldon hc
NormalHalloween Costume

Sparrow9988's Notes[]



Sparrow9988's Customs
The Big Bang Theory
The Comic-Book Store | Howard's Bedroom | The Cafeteria | Leonard's Lab

Sheldon Cooper | Leonard Hofstadter | Penny | Howard Wolowitz | Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz | Stuart Bloom | Barry Kripke | Leslie Winkle

