Dwalin is a minifigure from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey released in November 2012. He is first introduced in the LEGO game 3920 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and in the first wave of the The Hobbit 79003 An Unexpected Gathering, in December 2012.
The Dwalin minifigure has brown short legs, and a moth green with flesh-coloured arms torso piece. The torso has printing present on the front, depicting a brown belt with various straps with some black buckles, he also appears to have a little bit of fur clothing and some more straps. The hands of the torso are dark grey, his headpiece is also flesh-coloured. The headpiece features black eyes with white pupils, bushy brown eyebrows, a dark brown beard, some blue markings depicting tattoos and dark skin colour for the outlining of scars and facial features. Dwalin's tattoos and skin markings go around the entire head. Dwalin also comes with other accessories- a dark grey warhammer with a brown stick and a small moth green cape.
A Dwalin microfigure was released in the game 3920 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It is dark tan, with face and beard printing on the front of the head area, and on the body, the beard is continued, and a brown belt is also printed on.
Dwalin was one of the dwarves who traveled along with Thorin's company on the quest to regain the Lonely Mountain (Erebor) from Smaug.
He was the younger brother of Balin.
- Dain Ironfoot shares Dwalin's beard piece, though his is dark orange instead of dark brown.
Description from LEGO.com[]
- 3920 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Microfigure)
- 79003 An Unexpected Gathering
- 79018 The Lonely Mountain
Video Game Appearances[]
Gallery of Variants[]
Gallery of Video Game Variants[]