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Ninjago: Dragons Rising
Force From the East
Force From the East

Ninjago: Dragons Rising

Season №:


Episode №:




Force From the East is the twenty-fourth episode of Ninjago: Dragons Rising and the fourth episode of season two.


Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

In the Land of Lost Things, Geo is examining a picture of Cole and the Finders and recalling their previous adventures together when he's interrupted by Bonzle. The two briefly discuss Cole's ongoing absence and the arrival of some new material in the land. While all the Finders are out scavenging, they come across a component matching something Geo had found previously. Geo reunites the two pieces with his powers, but the Finders are then interrupted by the arrival of the portion of the Cloud Kingdom now serving as the Wolf Clan's base.

Meanwhile, the Ninja are being attacked by the dragon they've met at the mysterious temple, who proves a formidable opponent even for all of them together. Lloyd and Arin attempt to open the gate, and they and Sora soon determine that several boulders scattered around the area are meant to go in a bucket on a chain. Working together, the Ninja work to fill the bucket while keeping the dragon distracted. As predicted, the bucket's filling causes the gate to begin opening, and eventually it is wide enough to admit them.

Much to the Ninja's surprise, a second dragon then emerges from the gate, and she and the first dragon then bow in greeting to the new arrivals. The Ninja then learn from the two dragons-who are capable of speech-that they have just passed the last of three tests required to gain entrance to the temple. Much to Lloyd's surprise, the dragons are the teachers the Ninja have come seeking, introducing themselves as Rontu and Egalt. Back in the Land of Lost Things, the Finders find themselves locked in battle with the Wolf Mask Warriors, and Geo employs his powers to give himself and his friends a fighting chance.

The warriors target Bonzle, attempting to abduct her, but are halted by the unexpected arrival of a welcome ally: Cole. At the temple, Egalt is less than impressed with the Ninja, disbelieving Lloyd's account that they were sent by the Source Dragons until the Ninja reveal that Ras is attempting to free the Forbidden Five. Cole, once again encased in rock armor, prevents the Wolf Mask Warriors from getting away with Bonzle, but he and the Finders are forced to retreat in the face of sheer numbers. Cole raises an earth dome to protect himself and his friends, and they enjoy a quick reunion.

Rontu and Egalt soon explain to the Ninja that they were responsible for defeating the Forbidden Five long ages ago by creating the Rising Dragon technique they invented. They also exiled the Forbidden Five using a powerful spell and erased all evidence of the villains' existence. Both dragons are convinced that their foes cannot return, until Lloyd mentions the Ritual of the Blood Moon. Back in the Land of Lost Things, Geo uses his powers to reinforce the dome against the attacking Wolf Clan warriors, but Bonzle remains concerned.

As it turns out, Bonzle has reason to be fearful, as Lord Ras and Jordana are indeed seeking her specifically. They go so far as the employ the Gong of Shattering to strengthen their warriors, in spite of potential negative consequences. After discussing the situation, Egalt and Rontu note that the Wolf Masks were sealed away in the Shadow Dojo, which could only be accessed with the power of a Source Dragon. Upon learning that Ras may have obtained such power after trapping a Source Dragon, the two dragons realize the depths of the danger the world faces.

Egalt and Rontu, now too old to face such a contest again, find themselves faced with the prospect of training the Ninja. Egalt is reluctant, having had poor experiences with non-dragon students before. However, Rontu persuades him that they must at least try, or let all their previous work be in vain as the merged realms fall to the Forbidden Five. Meanwhile, as Cole and the Finders are under attack, Cole recognizes several components as being part of a portal gate from Imperium, which they might be able to use to escape. Geo reminds him that the Finders are incapable of leaving, but Bonzle then voices the believe that they can now.

The five friends reassemble the gate and pass through it just as the Wolf Warriors begin breaking through. They then find themselves at the Monastery of Spinjitzu, where they are greeted by Zane-only for a pair of warriors to follow them through the gate.

Spoilers end here.



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