

"To defeat an enemy, you must know them."
―Thrawn's views on achieving victory

Grand Admiral Thrawn is a Star Wars Minifigure. He was first released in 2017 as part of the Star Wars Rebels subtheme.


Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

A Chiss officer serving in the Galactic Empire as an admiral, Thrawn was one of the few beings to recognize the danger of the growing rebellion and the self-destructive course that the Imperial military was on. As such, when he learned of the TIE Defender fighter designed by Morgan Elsbeth, Thrawn sought her out in order to establish an alliance. He believed that such a fighter was key to combatting the rebels and to preventing the Empire from becoming an ineffective force that would allow the galaxy to descend into chaos.

Spoilers end here.

After achieving the rank of Grand Admiral, Thrawn was chosen by Grand Moff Tarkin to deal with the growing rebel threat that originated on the planet Lothal. A student of art and culture as well as military history, Thrawn was able to determine the obvious dedication that the members of Phoenix Squadron had to the planet they regarded as home, whether by birth or adoption. He would briefly travel to Ryloth in order to contend with Twi'lek resistance forces led by Cham Syndulla, who happened to be the father of Phoenix Squadron's Hera Syndulla. On another occasion, his efforts to quash rebel activity led to an encounter with an old adversary, Commander Sato.

When Thrawn became aware of saboteurs operating in Imperial factories on Lothal, he personally intervened to brutally quash such efforts. Later, he determined that a spy was operating within his ranks, and with assistance from Colonel Wullf Yularen identified said spy as none other than Agent Kallus. However, rather than take Kallus into custody, Thrawn allowed him to continue operating in order to enable his own continued search for Phoenix Squadron's base. These efforts proved successful, and between Kallus' transmissions to Phoenix Squadron and knowledge of a flight path taken by General Jan Dodonna and his fleet, Thrawn determined the location of Chopper Base.

Thrawn led an attack on the rebel fleet assembled above Atollon and then on the base itself. His assault, though devastating, was unexpectedly hindered by a powerful Force-sensitive known as the Bendu. Though Thrawn injured the creature, the Bendu warned that he could foresee Thrawn's eventual defeat before disappearing. Undaunted, Thrawn continued his efforts to develop and produce the TIE Defender, later summoning his personal assassin Rukh to help deal with the return of the Spectres, acting independently of the rest of Phoenix Squadron and the Rebellion at large. Thrawn was later called to Coruscant on other business, only to have his TIE Defender production irreparably damaged by the incompetence of Governor Arihnda Pryce and the sacrifice of Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus.

Returning to Lothal just in time to witness an attempt by the Spectres and several allies to liberate the planet from Imperial control, Thrawn threatened to bombard Lothal's capital unless Kana's apprentice Ezra Bridger surrendered to him. This was done so that Thrawn could deliver Bridger to Emperor Palpatine, who sought to make use of the young man's unique Force abilities. However, Ezra not only defied the Emperor but also managed to defeat Thrawn, summoning a pod of purrgil that devastated Thrawn's fleet. The creatures then seized hold of Thrawn's flagship, the Chimaera, and leaped into hyperspace with both Thrawn and Ezra still onboard.

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

Thrawn would survive the journey and find himself and his remaining forces stranded on Peridea, a near-mythical planet in another galaxy altogether. Forging an alliance with the resident Nightsisters, Thrawn sought to enable his return to his home galaxy so that he might assume command of the Imperial Remnant in the wake of Emperor Palpatine's apparent death. This was eventually enabled when Morgan Elsbeth and her mercenary forces succeeded in traveling to Peridea using a giant hyperspace ring that was then attached to the Chimaera. In spite of the efforts of Ezra and his arriving allies Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren, Thrawn was able to make his return to his own galaxy, where he proceeded to the planet Dathomir with his Nightsister allies and their cargo.

Spoilers end here.


  • Thrawn was originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity following the destruction of the second Death Star and the accompanying deaths of The Emperor and Darth Vader. He would be one of many Imperial officers and arguably the most effective and dangerous-to attempt to rally the remnants of the Empire following this defeat. The New Republic succeeded in thwarting him, however, and Thrawn was killed by his own bodyguard, a member of a race of beings whom Thrawn had unwittingly tricked into following him after contributing to a disaster on their home planet. Despite his demise, the effects of Thrawn's brief reign would be felt for decades to come.
  • While Thrawn holds the rank of Grand Admiral in the Star Wars universe, his rank plaque on his 2017 minifigure incorrectly displays the rank of a common admiral. This was fixed for the 2024 minifigure.
  • Conversely, his 2024 minifigure features only two code cylinders instead of four.
  • Thrawn is one of two Rebels minifigures based on Season 3 depictions of characters in the series, and the first character introduced in Season 3 to receive a minifigure; the other character, Kanan Jarrus, has had minifigures released featuring his depictions from previous years.
  • This minifigure is the only one that features Part 92081 in blue.

Gallery of Variants[]

LEGO-GrandAdmiralThrawn 75385


External links[]
