This minifigure has only appeared in video game(s) Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form or appeared in any official LEGO sets. |
Koleniko is a Pirates of the Caribbean minifigure who appears in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game.
Koleniko is a minifigure who was the primary navigator aboard the Flying Dutchman ship along with Greenbeard in Pirates of the Caribbean. Koleniko played Liar's Dice with Clanker and Maccus. He later returned to his human form when Davy Jones was killed and Will Turner took over. He is one of the sailors who kept order aboard the Flying Dutchman with Jimmy Legs and Maccus during the battle of the Maelstrom. On isla Cruces he battles Jack, who hits him with an oar. He is seen with Maccus in both films quite often. He has barnacles on him alike many others of the crew, but is covered with Pufferfish spines, distinguishing him from the others.