This is a list of items used in the Heroica line.
Life Potion[]
![Red Potion](
The Life Potion is an item of Heroica that restores 2 health. The colour of the potion is transparent red with a red stud cap. A Life Potion may only be used once. This item is found in 3857 Draida Bay, 3858 Waldurk Forest, 3859 Caverns of Nathuz, 3860 Castle Fortaan and the Heroica Deluxe Storage Case.
Luck Potion[]
![Luck Potions](
The Luck Potion is an item of Heroica that provides the ability of one re-roll of the die. A Luck Potion may only be used once. The colour of the potion is transparent orange with an orange stud cap. This item is found in 3860 Castle Fortaan, 30170 Ganrash and the Heroica Deluxe Storage Case.
Speed Potion[]
![Speed Potion](
The Speed Potion is an item of Heroica that allows a Hero to move up to 4 extra spaces. The Speed Potion may only be used once. The colour of the potion is transparent blue with a blue stud cap. This item is found in 3859 Caverns of Nathuz and 3860 Castle Fortaan
Strength Potion[]
![Yellow Potion](
The Strength Potion is an item of Heroica that defeats an adjacent monster. The Strength Potion may only be used one time. The colour of the potion is transparent yellow with a yellow stud cap. This item is found in 3858 Waldurk Forest and 3860 Castle Fortaan.
Defense Potion[]
The Defense Potion is an item of Heroica that prevents the loss of health this turn. The Defense Potion may only be used one time. The colour of the potion is transparent green with a green stud cap. This item is found in 3874 Ilrion.
Chalice of Life[]
The Chalice of Life (a golden cup called Part 4223189) is a powerful relic of Heroica theme. It may be kept between missions or sold for 2 gold. If a player rolls "shield" at the start of his turn, he may use the Chalice to restore 1 health, instead of moving. If he sells the chalice, it is returned to the box.This item appears on 3858 Waldurk Forest.
Crystal of Deflection[]
The Crystal of Deflection is a relic of theme. The golden Crystal can be found on the head of the Goblin General. When a player defeats the general for the first time, the player takes the Crystal but does not remove the general. If the general is defeated for the second time, both the general and the Crystal are put on the player's hero pack. This item appears on 3857 Draida Bay. According to the Lego Heroica Website's Book of Lore, "This relic can save your life - but only once." This suggests that it can be used to deflect a single blow from an enemy but that it is destroyed in the process.
Helmet of Protection[]
The Helmet of Protection is a piece of armor of Heroica. It may be kept between missions or sold for 2 gold. The Helmet increases the player's full health by 1 when it is put on the head of the character.If the player sells the helmet, it is returned to the box.This item appears on 3860 Castle Fortaan
Sceptre of Summoning[]
The Sceptre of Summoning is a powerful relic of Heroica. It may be kept between missions or sold for 2 gold. If a player rolls "shield" at the start of his turn, he may use the Sceptre to take a defeated monster from an opponent's Hero Pack and place it in an empty space, instead of moving. If the player sells the sceptre, it is returned to the box.This item appears on 3859 Caverns of Nathuz
Blades of Bounty[]
The Blades are powerful relics which may be kept between missions or sold for 2 gold. When you sell the Blades put them back in the box. When you roll “Shield” in a fight with a monster, you may choose to use the Blades as a melee skill. You defeat the monster and roll again. If you roll “Sword” take 1 gold from the store. If you roll “Shield” take 2 gold from the store. If you roll “Sword & Skull” or “Skull” nothing happens. This item appears in 30170 Ganrash
Fang of Fury[]
The Fang is a powerful relic. It may be kept between missions or sold for 2 gold. If you roll 'Shield' in a fight with a monster, you may choose to use the fang as a melee skill. You defeat the monster and gain 1 health. You cannot use this to gain more than your full health. If you sell the Fang, put it back in the box. This item appears in 3874 Ilrion
The Axe is the weapon of the Barbarian. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the Barbarian himself.
Melee skill: Defeat all adjacent monsters.
The Bow is the weapon of the Ranger. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the Ranger himself.
Ranged skill: Defeat a monster up to 5 spaces away in a straight line.
The Dagger is the weapon of the Rogue. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the Rogue himself.
Melee skill: Defeat the monster and take 1 gold from the store.
The Staff is the weapon of the Druid. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the Druid himself.
Ranged skill: Restore up to 2 health.
The Sword is the weapon of the Knight. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the knight himself.
Ranged skill: Move 1 space and defeat an adjacent monster.
The Wand is the weapon of the Wizard. When this weapon is bought by other heroes, they acquire almost the same powerful skill as the Wizard himself.
Ranged skill: Defeat a monster up to 3 spaces away, even round corners.
Map Items[]
If you move onto a space with a coffin, you MUST end your move standing on it and immediately search it. Roll the LEGO Dice again to find out what happens. On 'Shield' put the coffin back in the box AND take 1 gold from the store. on 'Sword' put the coffin back in the box. On 'Skull' Lose 1 health AND move back 1 space. THEN put a vampire bat on the coffin and fight it immediately. On 'Skull and Sword' Lose 1 health AND move back 1 space away from the coffin. This item appears in 3874 Ilrion
Locked Door[]
The locked door is a map item of Heroica. You may not move through Locked Doors. If you move into or through a space adjacent to a Locked Door, you may put a key from your hero pack into the top to unlock it.After the door is unlocked,any player can pass through the door. If you are in a space adjacent to a Door and roll "Shield" at the start of your turn, you may pass through the door to the first avaible space on the other side instead of moving. The door remains locked. This item appears on 3860 Castle Fortaan.
Magic Door[]
The Magic Door is a map item of Heroica. These doors teleport around, blocking your path in unexpected places. You may not move through Magic Doors. If you are in a space adjacent to a Magic Door and roll "Shield" at the start of your turn, you may pass through the Door to the first avaible space on the other side, instead of moving. This item appears on 3858 Waldurk Forest.
Magic Space[]
The Magic Space is a map item of Heroica. If you end your move on a Magic Space, you may move a Magic Door to an empty dark grey space. This item appears on 3858 Waldurk Forest.
The Rock is a map item of Heroica. You may not move through Rocks. If you move into a space adjacent to rocks, you may end your move in that space and explore them. Roll the dice again to find what happens. If you roll "Shield," pass through the rocks to the first space avaible on the other side. If you roll "Sword," remove the rocks and put them back in the box.If you roll "Skull" or "Sword and Skull," move back 1 space away from the rocks.This item appears in 3859 Caverns of Nathuz.
The spaces are the tiles that show you your way.
Other Items[]
With Gold pieces, you can buy weapons for 3 gold. You can also sell weapons for 2 gold. The gold piece is represented by a golden cone (Part 4589).
If you lose all your health, you are temporarily defeated and must spend one or more turns healing. On your turn roll the dice and restore health equal to the number you rolled. If you roll shield, restore all your health. Roll once each turn until you have restored all your health. Then roll and move your hero on your next turn. You may not heal in this way unless you have lost all of your health. The Health is represented by a red cone (Part 4589).
Heroica Dice[]
The Heroica dice is composed by the shield tile, skull and sword tile, 2 sword tiles and 2 skull tiles. The number 1 is the sword and skull tile, which during battle means, "Defeat the monster AND lose health equal to the monster's strength AND move back one space." The number 2 is the skull, which during battle means, "Lose health equal to the monster's strength AND move back one space." The number 3 is the sword, which during battle means, "Defeat the monster." The shield is equal to a four. Depending on the rules, the shield can be a melee skill, a ranged skill, a sword or many more things mentioned earlier.
The Key is an item of Heroica. With a key, you can open Locked Doors. To unlock a door, move into or pass through an adjacent space and put a key into the top of the door. Now anyone may move through the door. Each key can only be used once. You may carry one Key at a time. This item appears on 3860 Castle Fortaan.
The torch is an item of Heroica. If you are carrying a torch, you may move 1 extra space each turn. You may only carry one torch at a time. If you lose any health,put the torch back in the box.This item appears on 3859 Caverns of Nathuz.
Treasure Chest[]
The Treasure Chest is an item of Heroica. If you move into or through a space with a chest, you must end your move in that space and search it. Roll the dice again to find what happens. If you roll a shield, take 2 gold, if you roll a sword, take 1 gold, if you roll a skull, lose 1 health, and if you roll a sword and a skull, take 1 gold and lose 1 health. Then put the chest back in the box. Chests contain gold or traps. If you find gold, take it from the store.
Storage map[]
The storage map is a real-world item that stores bricks to make your own game.
Draida Bay[]
The goblin army has seized control of Draida Bay, cutting off supplies to the region.You must take a stand against the goblins, but can you defeat the Goblin General and take his Crystal of Deflection?
Draida Bay is controlled by the merciless Goblin General. Most traffic that passes in or out of the kingdom has to cross through this port. The bay is named after the Queen Draida who lost her young son here centuries ago. The legend says she went mad with grief. She convinced a wizard to turn her into a sea creature so she could find her son and bring him back to life. The wizard warned her, if she did not find him, she would remain a sea creature for all eternity. She never returned.
Waldurk Forest[]
Hidden in the ruins of Waldurk Forest, the Dark Druid is restoring his strength. You must use all your skill and power to find your way past his lurking monsters, but can you escape with the Chalice of Life?
The oldest trees in the forest are more than 1,000 years old. Many years ago, the Druids lived here in an ancient temple. Shrouded in mystery, they passed on their wisdom from generation to generation. One druid was corrupted by power, and turned into a force of evil. The temple has now decayed into ruins where the Dark Druid and his secrets are guarded by fierce werewolves. Most animals fled along with the Druids. Other creatures, like the giant spiders, are falling under the spell of the dark forces.
Caverns of Nathuz[]
Deep inside the Caverns of Nathuz, the Golem Lord has discovered an ancient artifact and is using it to create his own army of monsters. You must fight your way into the caves, but can you recover the Sceptre of Summoning?
These mystical caverns stretch deep into the belly of the dark mountains of Nathuz. The web of secret pathways once served as a passageway for smugglers between Draida Bay and the Barresh Settlements. Now the Golem Lord is raising his army here. And the giant bats that have lived in the darkest corners of the caves for aeons have woken from their slumber to wreak havoc on the land.
Castle Fortaan[]
Castle Fortaan has fallen to the Goblin King and his army of monsters. You must find a way past the Goblin horde to defeat the King, but can you discover his secret battle plans and return with the Helmet of Protection?
When the Kingdom of Ennon fell, The Goblin King claimed the castle as the strongest possible fortress for himself and his Goblin Army. The once so magnificent home of noble kings, queens and knights now echoes with the howls and growls of dark monsters. The whereabouts of the true king is still unknown.
Barresh Settlements[]
The barbarians are proud descendants of an old line of warriors, who have made the mountains their home. This rugged terrain is a harsh environment for even the toughest of warriors. For these wild sons of warriors, each day is a constant fight for survival. Forming small scattered settlements, they band together to overcome their surroundings. Now facing a common enemy, they honor a code of solidarity and fight evil together.
Ennon is the one of the countries/places of Heroica, home to the Ranger and the Knight. Other than that it has an army and has at least some woods, we know very little of this land.
Drandora Port[]
Drandora Port is the Rogue’s old stomping grounds. Once, the differences here between rich and poor were evident, but now the people of the city are coming together to defend the bastion of their world. Will they be able to stand united, or will some fall for the temptation of becoming spies for the dark armies to save their lives?
Seldaan Village[]
Seldaan Village is struggling like every other corner of the kingdom. However, secret alliances of heroes are emerging in the village, where they meet in secret locations to plan everything from smuggling messages and goods in and out of the area, to raising an army to fight evil.
Gates of Elsruck[]
This ancient and powerful gate is the primary defence for the kingdom of Ennon. It guards a mountain passage that leads to the neighboring lands. The gates were built by the original founders of Ennon, but their names have long been lost to the pages of history.
The Kingdom of Ennon is once again free of peril. But all is not well in HEROICA. The King has been taken captive. It's up to you to locate the Catacombs, fight your way past vicious bats and lumbering zombies, and defeat the Vampire Lord to rescue the King!
Since the dark forces settled upon the land, farmers have struggled to maintain their livelihood. Monsters constantly ravage the fields and destroy most of the crops, and what is left is barely enough for families to survive. There is no longer enough to trade, and even if there was, the Goblin General’s siege on Draida Bay makes it impossible to sell or buy anything. Prospects are grim.