This minifigure has only appeared in movie(s) Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form or appeared in any official LEGO sets.
Mari is a Star Wars minifigure who appears in the movie LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace .
Description [ ]
The back design of Mari.
Mari has a plain tan shortened leg piece and an orange torso, depicting a Jedi robe. A belt is at the bottom of the torso, and black lines are used to represent the outline of the robe. A flesh colour is used at the top of the torso to represent skin, and is also used for the hands. Mari has black eyes with white pupils, and brown eyebrows. Her hair piece is brown, and most commonly used on Nya from the Ninjago theme . Mari has three accessories- a blue-bladed lightsaber , a helmet that is worn over her hairpiece (which could not be done if she was a real LEGO minifigure ), and a gold medal with a red and white ribbon which she received at the end of LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace , with the symbol of the Galactic Senate on it.
Background [ ]
Mari Amithest was a human Jedi youngling, and a member of the Bear Clan. At the age of four, when participating in the Clan's daily lightsaber exercises run by Grand Master Yoda , Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi aproached Yoda with a question about a system missing from the Temple's Archives. One of Mari's fellow Bear Clan members suggested that the system had been erased from the Archives, explaining why the information was not present.
In LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace [ ]
"This is the best field trip I've ever been on. "
―Mari [src]
Mari with her lightsaber .
Mari was one of five Jedi younglings to attend a field trip to the Outer Rim Territories with Lobot and Jedi Master Yoda . Returning to Coruscant, the younglings then went on a tour of the Republic Senate Chamber, which was to include observing a gas mining treaty being negotiated with R2-D2 and their tour-guide C-3PO . However, a young Han Solo , who latched onto the group of Jedi when attempting to avoid Republic security officers, crashed the youngling's Senate pod into the pod of the current speaker, which eventually led to all of the Senate pods losing control and fights breaking out. Coming out of the Chamber, Mari and the rest of the group observed Yoda duelling Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress , and C-3PO quickly led the group to their school bus. Departing Coruscant, the group ended up on Tatooine after Commander Cody piloting a T-6 Jedi Shuttle accidentally knocked the bus into Obi-Wan Kenobi 's hyperdrive booster ring just as Kenobi was about to enter hyperspace.
After their bus was pillaged by Jawas , the group walked to Mos Eisley. C-3PO and R2-D2 went into the Mos Eisley cantina (with 3PO disguised as a non-droid so he would be allowed in the cantina), leaving the younglings to entertain themselves outside. The younglings started having practice battles with their lightsabers, where Mari partly destroyed a brick-built building, then used the Force to repair it and went on to juggle bricks with the Force. Chalmun, the owner of the cantina went outside and seeing the younglings, thought that they were the band he had hired, and ordered them to come inside. The younglings started to play a song, with Mari playing the Fizzz. When C-3PO saw that the younglings were performing, he rushed up to them, but bumped into Plo Koon on the way, and his disguise fell off. Exposed as being a droid, the droids and the younglings attempted to flee the bar. However, 3PO bumped into a wall, causing it to collapse, with Jabba the Hutt and Bib Fortuna revealed to be behind it. The group was captured, and the younglings were put into a cage, while made to watch C-3PO and R2-D2 being forced to fight to the death with sticks.
Mari after she received her medal.
Following Bobby 's advice, C-3PO knocked down a pillar near Jabba with his stick, causing the structure around Jabba to collapse. However, Malakili summoned Jabba's rancor, but the younglings escaped from the cage when Bobby cut it open with his lightsaber. Yoda and Han saved the group from the rancor when they showed up in a ship, carrying them away to safety. A large celebration and ceremony was then held at the steps of the Jedi Temple, where Mari along with the other Jedi younglings and Han Solo received medals.
Notes [ ]
In LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out , a minifigure identical to Mari's design in The Padawan Menace is among a mob of girls who one several occasions chase after Luke Skywalker , then later Darth Vader and finally Darth Maul .
Although the minifigure is based on Mari Amithest, in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Mari has black hair instead of brown, and wears a more traditional coloured Jedi robe.
Appearances [ ]
External Links [ ]
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Aayla Secura \ Agen Kolar \ Ahsoka Tano \ Anakin Skywalker \ Barriss Offee \ Bene \ Cal Kestis \ Coleman Trebor \ Eeth Koth \ Even Piell \ Ezra Bridger \ Ithorian Jedi Master ♦ \ Jedi Bob ♦ \ Jedi Consular \ Jedi Knight (The Old Republic) \ Kai Brightstar \ Kanan Jarrus \ Kelleran Beq \ Ki-Adi-Mundi \ Kit Fisto \ Luke Skywalker \ Luminara Unduli \ Lys Solay \ Mace Windu \ Nahdar Vebb \ Nubs \ Obi-Wan Kenobi \ Plo Koon \ Qui-Gon Jinn \ Quinlan Vos \ Rey \ Saesee Tiin \ Satele Shan \ Shaak Ti \ Sig Greebling ♦ \ Stass Allie \ Yoda
Sith/Sith Allies/Dark Jedi
Asajj Ventress \ Baylan Skoll \ Count Dooku \ Darth Dev ♦ \ Darth Malak \ Darth Malgus \ Darth Maul \ Darth Revan \ Darth Vader \ Fifth Brother \ Galen Marek \ General Grievous \ Grand Inquisitor \ Knights of Ren \ Kylo Ren \ Marrok \ Morgan Elsbeth \ Naare ♦ \ Palpatine \ Pong Krell \ Reva Sevander \ Savage Opress \ Shin Hati \ Sith Fleet Officer \ Sith Probe Droid \ Sith Jet Trooper \ Sith Trooper \ Sith Trooper (Sith Eternal) \ Sith Warrior \ Snoke
Clone Troopers
187th Legion Clone Commander \ 187th Legion Clone Trooper \ 212th Clone Trooper \ 212th Clone Paratrooper \ 332nd Clone Trooper \ 501st Clone Pilot \ 501st Clone Specialist \ 501st Heavy Trooper \ 501st Legion Clone Trooper \ 501st Officer \ CT-5555 "Fives" \ CC-2224 "Cody" \ CT-7567 "Rex" \ Clone Captain Vaughn \ CC-1010 "Fox" \ CC-1004 "Gree" \ CC-5579-39 "Gregor" \ CC-3636 "Wolffe" \ Clone Aerial Trooper \ Clone Commander \ Clone Commander (Horn Company) \ Clone Gunner \ Clone Jetpack Trooper \ Clone Pilot \ Clone Recon Trooper \ Clone Scout Trooper \ Clone Trooper \ Clone Trooper Sergeant \ Clone Trooper Lieutenant \ Clone Trooper Captain \ Clone Trooper Commander \ Clone Trooper Wolfpack \ ARC Trooper \ ARF Trooper \ BARC Trooper \ Bomb Squad Trooper \ CT-55/11-9009 "Jag" \ Crosshair \ Echo \ Geonosis Clone Troopers \ Hunter \ Kashyyyk Clone Trooper \ Shadow ARF Trooper \ Shock Trooper \ Siege Battalion Trooper \ Special Forces Clone Trooper ♦ \ Special Forces Commander ♦ \ Star Corps Trooper \ Tech \ Wrecker
Galactic Republic
Antidar Williams \ Bail Organa \ Grakchawwaa \ Quarsh Panaka \ Jace Malcom \ Jar Jar Binks \ Jek-14 ♦ \ Mon Mothma \ Naboo Fighter Pilot \ Naboo Security Officer \ Onaconda Farr \ Padme Amidala \ QT-KT \ R2-R7 \ R3-D5 \ R4-G9 \ R4-P44 \ R4-P17 \ R4-P22 \ R7-A7 \ R7-D4 \ R7-F5 \ R8-B7 \ Republic Captain \ Republic Pilot \ Republic Trooper \ Senate Commando \ Senate Commando Captain \ T7-O1 \ TC-4
A4-D \ Battle Droid \ Battle Droid Commander \ Buzz Droid \ Commando Droid \ Count Dooku \ Droideka \ Dwarf Spider Droid \ EV-A4-D \ FA-4 \ General Grievous \ Geonosian Pilot \ Geonosian Warrior \ Geonosian Zombie \ MagnaGuard \ Neimodian \ Nute Gunray \ Pilot Battle Droid \ Poggle the Lesser \ Rocket Battle Droid \ Rocket Droid Commander \ Security Battle Droid \ Separatist Bounty Hunter \ Sniper Droideka \ Dwarf Spider Droid \ R4-G0 ♦ \ Super Battle Droid \ TX-20 \ Umbaran Soldier
Galactic Empire (Part 1)
Ackbar Trooper ♦ \ Artillery Stormtrooper \ AT-AT Pilot \ AT-DP Pilot \ AT-ST Pilot \ Commander Praji \ Crosshair \ Dark Trooper \ Darth Vader \ DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid \ Droid Brain \ Fifth Brother \ Firmus Piett \ FX-6 Medical Assistant Droid \ Garindan ezz Zavor \ IT-O \ Iden Versio \ Imperial Crew \ Imperial Combat Driver \ Imperial Commando \ Imperial Hovertank Pilot \ Imperial Jetpack Trooper \ Imperial Navy Officer \ Imperial Officer \ Imperial Death Trooper \ Imperial Ground Trooper \ Imperial Gunner \ Imperial Navy Trooper \ Imperial Patrol Trooper \ Imperial Praetorian Guard \ Imperial Protocol Droid \ Imperial Range Trooper \ Imperial Recruitment Officer \ Imperial Shock Trooper \ Imperial Shoretrooper \ Imperial Transport Pilot \ Inferno Squad Agent
Galactic Empire (Part 2)
M-OC Hunter Droid ♦ \ Maximilian Veers \ Mimban Stormtrooper \ Moff Gideon \ Mouse Droid \ NI-L8 \ Night Trooper \ Orson Krennic \ Palpatine \ R2-E6 \ R2-Q2 \ R2-Q5 \ R3-M3 \ R5-J2 \ RA-7 Protocol Droid \ Prowler 1000 Exploration Droid \ Rae Sloane \ Royal Guard \ Sandtrooper \ Scout Trooper \ Security Droid \ Sentry Droid \ Shadow Guard \ Shadow Trooper \ Shadow Stormtrooper \ Snowtrooper \ Snowtrooper Commander \ Stormtrooper \ Syril Karn \ Thrawn \ Tiaan Jerjerrod \ TIE Pilot \ Wilhuff Tarkin \ Wullf Yularen \ Zuzanu Latt
First Order
BB-9E \ Captain Peavey \ Phasma \ Elrik Vonreg \ Enric Pryde \ First Order Crew \ First Order Gunner \ First Order Flametrooper \ First Order Executioner \ First Order General \ First Order Heavy Assault Stormtrooper \ First Order Jet Trooper \ First Order Medical Droid \ First Order Officer \ First Order Shuttle Pilot \ First Order Snowtrooper \ First Order Snowtrooper Officer \ First Order Stormtrooper \ First Order Stormtrooper Officer \ First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant \ First Order Technician \ First Order TIE Pilot \ First Order Treadspeeder Driver \ First Order Walker Driver \ FN-2112 \ FN-2187 \ FN-2199 \ Armitage Hux \ Dopheld Mitaka \ Praetorian Guard \ Praetorian Training Droid
Rebel Alliance (Part 1)
A-Wing Pilot \ Admiral Raddus \ Alexsandr Kallus \ Airen Cracken \ Antoc Merrick \ B-wing Pilot \ Baze Malbus \ Bail Organa \ Biggs Darklighter \ Bistan \ Bodhi Rook \ Raymus Antilles \ C1-10P \ C-3PO \ Carasynthia Dune \ Cassian Andor \ Chief Chirpa \ Chirrut Îmwe \ Commander Sato \ Dak Ralter \ Duro \ Dutch Vander \ Endor Rebel Trooper \ Enfys Nest \ Ewok Warrior \ Freemaker family (Kordi Freemaker \ R0-GR \ Rowan Freemaker \ Zander Freemaker ) ♦ \ Garazeb Orrelios \ Gial Ackbar \ Jan Dodonna \ Crix Madine \ Carlist Rieekan \ Garven Dreis \ Gray Squadron Pilot \ Hera Syndulla \ Hoth Officer \ Hoth Rebel Trooper \ Jek Porkins \ Juno Eclipse \ Jyn Erso \ K-3PO \ K-2SO \ Lando Calrissian \ Leia Organa \ Lobot \ Logray
Rebel Alliance (Part 2)
Mon Calamari Officer \ Mon Mothma \ Moroff \ Nien Nunb \ Pao \ Paploo \ Quarrie \ R2-BHD \ R2-D2 \ R3-A2 \ R3-M2 \ R3-S1 \ R-3PO \ R5-D4 \ R5-D8 \ R5-F7 \ Rebel Commando \ Rebel Crew \ Rebel Mechanic \ Rebel Engineer \ Rebel Ground Crew \ Rebel Pilot \ Rebel Trooper \ Sabine Wren \ Sandspeeder Gunner \ Sandspeeder Pilot \ Saw Gerrera \ Snowspeeder Pilot \ T-16 Pilot \ Tarfful \ Tokkat \ Ten Numb \ Theron Nett \ Toryn Farr \ U-3PO \ U-Wing Pilot \ Weazel \ Wedge Antilles \ Wes Janson \ Wicket Wystri Warrick \ Will Scotian \ Wookiee Warrior \ Wullffwarro \ X-wing Pilot \ Yesi Scala ♦ \ Zev Senesca
The Resistance/New Republic
Amilyn Holdo \ BB-8 \ C1-10P \ Bek \ Beyta \ Boolio \ C-3PO \ D-0 \ Caluan Ematt \ Finn \ Gial Ackbar \ Hawkins \ Hera Syndulla \ Jacen Syndulla \ Jannah \ Kaydel Ko Connix \ Kazuda Xiono \ Leia Organa \ Lor San Tekka \ Taslin Brance \ New Republic Astromech Droid \ Poe Dameron \ Porter \ Resistance Bombardier \ Paige Tico \ Resistance Soldier \ Resistance Speeder Pilot \ Resistance X-Wing Pilot \ R2-D2 \ Rey Skywalker \ Rose Tico \ Tallie Lintra \ Temmin "Snap" Wexley \ U5-GG \ Vi Moradi
Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Gangsters, Pirates, and Terrorists
4-LOM \ Assassin Droid \ Aurra Sing \ Boba Fett \ Bo-Katan Kryze \ Bossk \ Cad Bane \ Chewbacca \ Dengar \ Din Djarin \ Elite Assassin Droid \ Embo \ Fennec Shand \ Gar Saxon \ Greedo \ Greef Karga \ Han Solo \ Hondo Ohnaka \ IG-11 \ IG-88 \ Jango Fett \ Kanjiklub Gang Member \ Mandalorian \ Mandalorian Fleet Commander \ Mandalorian Loyalist \ Mandalorian Nite Owl \ Mandalorian Super Commando \ Mandalorian Warrior \ Pre Vizsla \ Paz Vizsla \ Quay Tolsite \ S1D6-SA-5 \ Separatist Bounty Hunter \ Snub Fighter Pilot \ Rio Durant \ Shahan Alama \ Sugi \ Tasu Leech \ The Armorer \ Tobias Beckett \ Todo 360 \ Turk Falso \ Val \ Vane \ Zam Wesell \ Zuckuss
Criminals, Scavengers, Hutt Criminal Empire, and Maz's Castle
Bala-Tik \ Bib Fortuna \ Cornelius Evazan \ DJ \ EV-9D9 \ Gamorrean Guard \ Guavian Security Soldier \ Hylobon Enforcer \ Jabba Desilijic Tiure \ Kabe \ Kardue'sai'Malloc \ Kithaba \ Malakili \ Max Rebo \ Maz Kanata \ Moloch \ Oola \ Ponda Baba \ Quarren \ Qi'ra \ Rebolt \ Ree-Yees \ Rotta \ Salacious B. Crumb \ Teedo \ Unkar Plutt \ Unkar's Brute \ Unkar's Thug \ Weequay
Acklay \ Bantha \ Blurrg \ Boga \ Corellian Hound \ Dewback \ Dianoga \ Kaadu \ Luggabeast \ Mynock \ Porg \ Rancor \ Rathtar \ Sarlacc \ Tauntaun \ Wampa
Aldar Beedo \ ASP Droid \ Astromech Droid \ B'omarr Monk \ BD-1 \ BD-72 \ Beru Lars \ Bespin Guard \ Bith \ Bucket \ Captain Tarpals \ Cloud Car Pilot \ DD-BD \ FX-9 Surgical Assistant Droid \ Gaff Kaylek \ Gasgano \ George Lucas \ Gonk Droid \ Griff Halloran \ Grogu \ Gungan Warrior \ Holocron Droid \ Hrchek Kal Fas \ Jawa \ K3-R1 \ Kessel Mine Worker \ Klatooinian Raider \ Kuiil \ L0-LA59 \ L3-GO ♦ \ LIN Demolitiontech Droid \ Mandalorian Fleet Commander \ Medical Droid \ Momaw Nadon \ Mythrol \ Nash Durango \ NED-B \ Omega \ Owen Lars \ Peli Motto \ Pit Droid \ PK Droid \ Professor Huyang \ R1-G4 \ R3-T2 \ R5-A2 \ R5-D4 \ RJ-83 \ Sebulba \ Servo (SR-VO) ♦ \ Skeleton \ Spy Droid ♦ \ Tala Durith \ Taun We \ Theelin Dancer \ Thi-Sen \ Training Droid \ Treadwell Droid \ TC-14 \ Tusken Raider \ Wald \ Watto \ Worker Droid ♦ \ Wuher \ Yuletide Squadron Pilot ♦ \ Zorii Bliss
Nonphysical Jedi
Adi Gallia \ Ashla \ Baird Kantoo ♦ \ Bobby \ Bolla Ropal \ Cozler \ Jempa \ Jocasta Nu \ Liam \ Luke Starkiller \ Mari \ Rako ♦ \ Vaash Ti ♦ \ Yaddle \ Yarael Poof
Nonphysical Sith/Sith Allies/Dark Jedi
Badawans ♦ \ Nightsisters \ Ochi of Bestoon \ Ren \ Seventh Sister \ Sith Acolyte \ Sovereign Protector \ Vaneé
Nonphysical Clone Troopers
1137 ♦ \ 1139 ♦ \ Boil \ CC-5052 "Bly" \ Clone Flametrooper \ Commander Fil \ Commander Stone \ CT-411 "Ponds" \ Galactic Marine \ CT-782 "Hevy" \ Disguised Clone \ Lieutenant Thire \ Stealth Trooper \ Waxer \ Wolf Pack Trooper
Nonphysical Galactic Republic
Captain Typho \ Cham Syndulla \ Chi Cho \ Faro Argyus \ Finis Valorum \ G8-R3 \ Mas Amedda \ Orn Free Taa \ R2-KT \ Riyo Chuchi \ Senator Kharrus \ Senator Philo \ Senator Yaun \ Queen Neeyutnee \ R2-A6 \ R2-B1 \ R2-N3 \ R2-R9 \ Ric Olié
Nonphysical Separatists
Daultay Dofine \ Faro Argyus \ LEP Servant Droid \ Lok Durd \ Mar Tuuk \ Mustafarian \ Nuvo Vindi \ OOM-9 \ Queen Karina \ R3-S6 \ Rune Haako \ Wat Tambor \ Whorm Loathsom
Nonphysical Galactic Empire
Admiral Ozzel \ Amda Wabo \ Beach Trooper ♦ \ Becky Smoochenbacher ♦ \ Commander Jir \ Dedra Meero \ Durpin ♦ \ General Motti \ Incinerator Stormtrooper \ Lieutenant Estoc ♦ \ Maketh Tua \ Plumestriker ♦ \ R4-M9 \ Seventh Sister
Nonphysical First Order
Bazine Netal \ Captain Canady \ Control Room Commander \ Erich S. Datoo \ FN-1824 \ FN-2112 \ FN-2199 \ Kaplan \ Lieutenant Rodinon \ Petty Officer Thanisson \ Unamo
Nonphysical Rebel Alliance
BG-81 \ Lieutenant Valeria ♦ \ Mister Bones \ R5-M2 \ Rebel Friend \ Willrow Hood
Nonphysical The Resistance
2MED2 \ AD-4M \ Aftab Ackbar \ Beaumont Kin \ Bollie Prindel \ B-U4D \ C'ai Threnalli \ Captain Cypress \ Commander D'acy \ Dellso Prin \ Ello Asty \ Ensign Goode \ GA-97 \ Rear Admiral Guich \ Harter Kalonia \ Jess "Testor" Pava \ Ka-Pao ♦ \ Klaud \ Korr Sella \ LC-24 \ Lema Eelyak \ Lieutenant Bastian \ Lieutenant Wright \ M9-G8 \ Moxie Freemaker ♦ \ O-MR1 \ PZ-4CO \ PZ-99 \ R5-2JE \ Sache Skareeet ♦ \ Tabala Zo \ Trentus Savay ♦ \ Ushos O. Statura \ VL-44 \ Wrobie Tyce
Nonphysical Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Gangsters, Pirates, and Terrorists
Adan Mose ♦ \ Athgar Heece \ Carib Diss \ Cato Parasitti \ Crokind Shand \ Cikatro Vizago \ Croll Jenkins ♦ \ HELIOS-3D \ Kintan Strider \ L3-37 \ Pirate Ruffian \ Razoo Qin-Fee \ Robonino \ Rothgar Deng \ Sarco Plank \ Varond Jelik ♦ \ Volzang Li-Thrull \ Zylas ♦
Nonphysical Criminals, Scavengers, Hutt Criminal Empire, and Maz's Castle
8D8 \ Baash ♦ \ Blass Tyran \ Cratinus \ Dasha Promenti \ Davan Marak \ Fodesinbeed Annodue \ Graballa the Hutt ♦ \ Greeata Jendowanian \ Grummgar \ HURID-327 \ Hobin Carsamba \ Hoogenz \ Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins \ Jashco Phurus \ Laparo \ Mama the Hutt \ Master Codebreaker \ ME-8D9 \ Mi'no Teest \ Naka Lit \ Ophi Egra ♦ \ Oskus Stooratt \ Prashee \ Pru Sweevant \ Quiggold \ Raam ♦ \ Rosser Weno \ Rys \ Sidon Ithano \ Strono "Cookie" Tuggs \ Strus Clan Leader \ Strus Clan Raider \ Sudswater Dilifay Glon \ Taryish Juhden \ Taybin Ralorsa \ Thromba \ Trinto Duaba \ Ubert "Sticks" Quaril \ Varmik \ Wi'ba Tuyll \ Wollivan \ Ziro Desilijic Tiure
Nonphysical Creatures
Fambaa \ Gor \ Mantellian Savrip \ Molator \ Monnok \ Nexu \ Reek \ Zillo Beast
Nonphysical Other
Alcida-Auka \ Amda Wabo \ Babu Frik \ Ben Quadinaros \ Bix Caleen \ Black Krrsantan \ BL-OX ♦ \ Bobbajo \ Boss Nass \ Cobb Vanth \ Cliegg Lars \ Constable Zuvio \ Crusher Roodown \ Dathan \ Dean \ Dexter Jettster \ E-3PO \ EGL-21 "Amps" \ Ewok \ FLO \ Freemaker family (Lena Freemaker \ Pace Freemaker )♦ \ Furlac ♦ \ Gaff Kaylek ♦ \ Gha Nachkt \ H1-NT ♦ \ Grebe-Korora \ GTAW-74 "Geetaw" \ Ignacio Wortan ♦ \ Ilco Munica \ J.J. Abrams \ Kathleen Kennedy \ Kinn Zih ♦ \ Ko Sai \ Lama Su \ Lindo Calrissian ♦ \ Mawhonic \ Miramir \ Monn Tattch \ N3-R0 ♦ \ Nambi Ghima \ Nobot \ Numa \ Ody Mandrell \ Ohn Gos \ Ottegan Acolyte ♦ \ Ottegan Warrior ♦ \ Ozeer Tenzer ♦ \ Peppi Bow \ Praster Barrun ♦ \ Praster Ommeln ♦ \ Quinar \ Ratts Tyerell \ Shmi Skywalker \ Slowen Lo \ SN-1F4 \ Sy Snootles \ Taryish Juhden \ Tee Watt Kaa \ Temiri Blagg \ Ubbla Mollbro \ Tion Medon \ Vic Vanko ♦ \ Wag Too \ Wandering Wookiee ♦ \ Wick Cooper ♦ ♦ Original character