Meteor Blasters (also known as Lava Sphere Shooters) are weapons used by all of the current Hero Factory villains, except for 7145 Von Nebula. They are similar to Thornax Launchers from BIONICLE. The Meteor Blasters of five of the 2010 villains, Thunder, Corroder, XPlode, Rotor, and Meltdown, all had translucent green spheres; Vapour had opaque blue spheres; the four Fire Villains from 2011 had reddish-orange spheres, two villains from Savage Planet, Scorpio and Witch Doctor, had red spheres. Two hero sets have Meteor Blasters, namely 7158 Furno Bike and 2282 Rocka XL. Rocka XL has a golden sphere, and the Furno Bike's two blasters, which are called Plasma Blasters, have red spheres.
See also[]
LEGO Weapons | |
System: | Blade Arm | Bow and Arrow | Crossbow | Cutlass | Dagger of Time | Flail | Flintlock Pistol | Gladius | Glaive | Greatsword | Halberd | Lightsaber Hilt | Lightsaber | Longbow | Musket | Revolver | Rapier | Ray Gun | Scimitar | Shuriken | Spear | Spike Arm | Star Wars Gun (long) | Star Wars Gun (short) | Sword / Katana | Trident |
TECHNIC: | Cordak Blaster | Kanoka Disk Launcher | Meteor Blaster | Midak Skyblaster | Nynrah Ghost Blaster | Squid Launcher | Thornax Launcher |