Nexo Knights: The Animated Series is a companion animated series to the Nexo Knights theme from LEGO, produced by long-time LEGO partners, M2 Entertainment. It was released on Cartoon Network on January 11, 2016 with a teaser being shown in 2015.
For over 100 years, the Kingdom of Knighton has lived in peace, ever since the noble wizard Merlok defeated the evil Monstrox and his army of monsters. Though the kingdom maintains an academy for the training of knights, its students—including new graduates Clay Moorington, Princess Macy Halbert, Lance Richmond, Aaron Fox, and Axl—have little reason to think that they will be called upon to defend the kingdom. That all changes when Jestro, the kingdom's lackluster royal jester, enters Merlok's library after a power outage disables security and meets the living Book of Monsters, which is in fact, the transformed Monstrox. Tired of being mocked by the people of Knighton, Jestro is convinced to aid the Book of Monsters in his quest for vengeance.
Season 1 (2016)[]
- The Book of Monsters, Part 1
- The Book of Monsters, Part 2
- The Power of Merlok
- The Knight's Code
- Fright Knight
- The Golden Castle
- The Maze of Amazement
- The Black Knight
- The Book of Total Badness
- The Might and the Magic
Season 2 (2016)[]
- Back to School
- Greed is Good?
- The Book of Obsession
- The King's Tournament
- Monster Chef
- Knight Out
- Saturday Knight Fever
- Open Mike Knight
- The Fortrex and the Furious
- Kingdom of Heroes
Season 3 (2017)[]
- The Cloud
- A Little Rusty
- Mount Thunderstrox
- Rotten Luck
- Storm Over Rock Wood
- Miner Setback
- Knight at the Museum
- Hot Rock Massage
- Rock Bottom
- In Charge