Nynrah Ghostblasters are used by the Toa Nuva Mistika and the Makuta Mistika in the BIONICLE 2008 sets.
They use a type of pump-action, in that a "pump" is employed to push air through a tube, launching the missile. The ammo resembles a Cordak dart, with a ball at one end.
The Toa could use their minds to convert the projectile into whatever they could think of; for example, the projectile could become a fireball if so wished.
The Mistika Makuta's ammo allowed them to control mechanical parts.
The colours varied based on faction. The pump trigger on a Toa blaster was grey, while a Makuta blaster had a red trigger. Also, Toa ammunition would be a dark grey, while Makuta ammo was a pulsing green.
LEGO Weapons | |
System: | Blade Arm | Bow and Arrow | Crossbow | Cutlass | Dagger of Time | Flail | Flintlock Pistol | Gladius | Glaive | Greatsword | Halberd | Lightsaber Hilt | Lightsaber | Longbow | Musket | Revolver | Rapier | Ray Gun | Scimitar | Shuriken | Spear | Spike Arm | Star Wars Gun (long) | Star Wars Gun (short) | Sword / Katana | Trident |
TECHNIC: | Cordak Blaster | Kanoka Disk Launcher | Meteor Blaster | Midak Skyblaster | Nynrah Ghost Blaster | Squid Launcher | Thornax Launcher |