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Class 2 article
Clonetorso Design ID: 973pb0117c01
Years in production: 2002-2008 Pick a Brick price: N/A Available Colours:

Part 973pb0117c01 (or the Standard Clone Torso) is a minifigure torso introduced in 2002. The torso has been used on Clone Troopers and once a Snowtrooper. It was a white torso with designs made to resemble a Clone Trooper from the Star Wars Films. After they made more specific Clone Wars Style.


It was a torso given to Phase I and Phase II Clone Troopers, in the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith lines and older Snowtroopers from the Classic Star Wars line. They have appeared in five sets.

Physical Appearance[]

The torso is principally white with markings made to resemble Clone Trooper body armor, seen in both the second and third installments of the Star Wars films. This torso contains white arms and black hands.


The torso was first seen in the set 7163 Republic Gunship, released in 2002, under the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones line. It was released the next year in the set 4482 AT-TE under the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones line. In both these sets, the part was used as the torso for Phase I Clone Trooper minifigures.

It was next seen in the set 4504 Millennium Falcon, released in 2004, as part of the Classic Star Wars line. This time, the part was used as a torso for a Snowtrooper. It is important to note that the newer Snowtroopers use a newer torso.

The next set that included Part 973pb0117c01 was 7261 Clone Turbo Tank, released in 2005, under the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The torso was used for a Phase II Clone Trooper.

This part's next and probably last appearance in the set 7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack, released in 2007, under the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith line. It was used as the torso of a Phase II Clone Trooper, just like the preceding set.


External Links[]
