Pirates of Skeleton Bay is a live-action stunt show that takes place in LEGO City Harbour at LEGOLAND Windsor. In 2010 it replaced Johnny Thunder in The Revenge of the Aztec Queen.
Captain Birdsnest and his crew have found a treasure chest on Skeleton Bay, but they are unable to open it as they need to find the Golden Key. They must be quick as they have heard that the meanest and scariest pirate of them all, the notorious Red Pirate is on his way to claim the treasure for himself. Birdsnest soon finds out where the Golden Key is (The Red Pirate has it and he wants the treasure chest). The race is on to see who can open the chest first and claim the treasure.
A background on all the characters -
Captain Horatio Birds Nest - The Captain :
Captain of the flying pig. He is one of the most feared pirates sailing the seven seas. (That's what he will tell you!) However this reputation has been earned by good luck rather than endeavor. His ship normally arrives late for any sea battles, as his sense of direction is not very good. Due to his fear of water and his penchant for shopping and wearing fancy clothes he prefers to stay on dry land. He loves the life of being a pirate, the clothes, the catch phrases and having his picture on wanted posters. He can be loud and bossy one minute, then camp and confused the next. He's all talk and a bit of a coward. His catch phrase is "Are you with me?"
Georgie - Female Pirate :
Our heroine. Nothing girlie about Georgie! She is the brightest and most accomplished pirate of them all.
Booty - Quarter Master :
A bit of a brute, likes to boss the crew around, would like to be captain but does not have the wardrobe to fulfill the role.
Gunny - Master Gunner :
Looks after the cannons and all the weapons. But he's very clumsy and drops everything, and he's always getting injured. He always tries hard to do a good job.
Salty - Boatswain :
The youngest pirate of the crew. Always very happy and smiley, and always waving to the rest of the crew and the audience. Salty likes to clean and keep the wrecked ship spick and span.
The Red Pirate :
The meanest and scariest pirate of them all. A true villain!
Mad Jack :
The Red Pirate's faithful and stupid midshipman. The "Muttley" to the Red Pirate's "Dick Dastardly".