

Class 4 article

Prince Zuko is a Minifigure from the series of sets of the LEGO Avatar: The Last Airbender line.


In the Fire Nation Prince Zuko was the next heir to the throne, however during a war meeting he spoke against his father's plan, then his father dueled him in an Ag Ni Kai (firebending duel), however not fighting back left Zuko with a scar by his father's fire. He then was banished from the Fire Nation and started his three year hunt for the Avatar. Once Aang returned after being unfroze, Zuko chased him across the world. Later he gave up hunting him as him and his uncle, Iroh entered the Earth Kingdom City of Ba Sing Se disguised as refugees. However when his sister Princess Azula overtook the city, Zuko reallied with the Fire Nation and betrayed his uncle. After returning home to his father, Zuko hired an assasin to kill Aang. Zuko later left the fire nation to stop the assasin nicknamed Combustion Man and teach Aang firebending before Sozin's Comet arrives. He later became Firelord after Aang took down Firelord Ozai.Zuko also was in love with Mai,one of Azula's best friends.


